Meeting presentations
Selected presentations
- Bridging scales to improve projections of ocean health at the end of the century , plenary keynote at the ESA-EC joint Earth System science initiative, 2023, Frascati, Italy
- Impact of finescale currents on biogeochemical cycles in a changing ocean , at CNRS GDR "Défis théoriques pour les sciences du climat", 2023, Paris, France
- Océan: état des lieux, risques et opportunités , rencontre IRENE de l'ESSEC: "l'océan, un new deal pour l'humanité", 2023, France
- Marine Microbes over fronts , invited speaker at the 2022 Gordon Conference on Marine Microbes, Les Diablerets, Switzerland
- Evolution of Oxygen Minimum Zones under global deoxygenation , invited speaker at the 2021 OCB workshop, Woods Hole, USA
- Do fine-scale physical processes matter for marine biogeochemestry responses to climate change ? , 2020 Marie Tharp Lecturer of Women Executive Board, GEOMAR