Current activities


My main expertise concerns how meso to submesoscale dynamics in the ocean (1-100 km, days to months) sustain and affect phytoplankton and marine biogeochemical cycles.

Keywords: physical and biogeochemical eddy fluxes, turbulent transport


Part of my activity is dedicated to the investigation of the oceanic carbon pumps in the global ocean, from small scales to large scales, from the gravitational pump to physical pumps, for natural and anthropogenic carbon.

Keywords: subduction/obduction, carbon sequestration, climate change


I study the links between the physical environment, the diversity of phytoplankton groups and of marine life in general and the ecology of marine predators.

Keywords: marine ecology, r and K-stategists, food web


I am interested in the drivers of global ocean de-oxygenation, particularly the role of submesoscale processes, with a focus on the Indian ocean that hosts the thickest Oxygen Minimum Zone.

Keywords: Subduction, respiration, stratification

Climate Change

I investigate the changes in phytoplankton phenology, abundance and diversity in response to climate change, over the global ocean. I also examine how finescale frontal activity modulates these changes, particularly in the Mediterranean Sea and North Atlantic Ocean

Keywords: Ocean color satellite data, long time series, IPCC/CMIP models

Interannual variability

The question is how intra-seasonal events, linked either to synoptic wind events, intrinsic variability of ecosystems or oceanic eddies affect primary production and export fluxes on interannual timescales.

Keywords: Scale interaction