Invited Talks

Sallée J.B., The Southern Ocean in CMIP5 models, Invited, AGU Fall meeting, San Fransisco, December 2013
Sallée J.B., The Southern Ocean in CMIP5 models, Invited, CLIVAR science meeting, Hobart, February 2013
Sallée J.B., Southern Ocean carbon drawdown, Plenary talk at AMOS Feb 2013 conference
Sallée J.B., “Ocean surface to interior carbon flux”, Plenary talk at the Joint SOLAS/IMBER/IOCCP Carbon (SIC). Synthesis Conference, 14-16 September 2011, UNESCO, Paris, France, invited talk.
Sallée, J.B. Southern Ocean surface mixing and meridional eddy-induced transport. Lyapunov analysis. From theory to geophysical applications, Institute of Complex Systems, Paris, France, 26-30 October, Invited, 2009.
Sallée, J.B., Speer, K., Rintoul, S. and Wijffels, S. Southern Ocean thermocline ventilation, Invited, CLIVAR science meeting, Sydney, February 2009
Talley, L. Sloyan, B., Sallée, J.B., Speer , K., Cerovski, I. and Mazloff, M. Review on Subantarctic and Subpolar Mode Water, AGU fall meeting, December 2008. Invited talk.
Sallée, J.B., Speer, K, Morrow, R. and Lumpkin, R. An estimate of the Lagragian eddy statistics and diffusion in the mixed layer of the Southern Ocean. 2008 EGU General Assembly. 13-18 April 2008. Vienna Austria. Invited talk.
Sallée, J.B., Morrow, R. and Speer, K. Mode Water Formation in the Southern Ocean. AGU Ocean Science, Orlando, USA. 2-7 March 2008. Invited talk.


Sallée, J.B., Observing the Southern Ocean overturning circulation, Uni Bergen (Norway), October 2015
Sallée, J.B., The Southern Ocean ventilation, Brest (France), February 2014
Sallée, JB., Eddy mixing and associated ventilation in the Southern Ocean, Uni. of Stockholm (Sweden), October 2013.
Sallée, J.B., S. Mean Flow and topography control on eddy-mixing and Subduction, Imperial College, London (UK), November 2011
Sallée, J.B., S. Mean Flow and topography control on eddy-mixing in the Southern Ocean, Joint UEA, BAS and Cambridge GFD meeting, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge (UK), 17 May 2011
Sallée, J.B., S. Mean Flow and topography control on eddy-mixing and Subduction, University of East Anglia seminar, Norwich (UK), 27 May 2011
Sallée, J.B., S. Mean Flow and topography control on eddy-mixing and Subduction, LEGI seminar, Grenoble (France), 23 February 2011
Sallée, J.B., S. Southern Ocean thermocline ventilation and Mixed-layer processes, British Antarctic Survey seminar, Cambridge (UK), 5 March 2010
Sallée, J.B., Speer, K., Rintoul, S. and Wijffels, S. Southern Ocean thermocline ventilation, NOC seminar, Southampton (UK), 30 Mars 2009
Sallée, J.B., Speer, K., Rintoul, S. and Wijffels, S. Southern Ocean thermocline ventilation, MIT seminar, Boston (USA), 12 December 2008
Sallée, J.B., Speer, K., Rintoul, S. and Wijffels, S. Southern Ocean thermocline ventilation, LPO seminar, Brest, November 2008
Sallée, J.B., Speer, K., Rintoul, S. and Wijffels, S. Southern Ocean thermocline ventilation, LEGOS seminar, Brest, November 2008
Sallée, J.B., Speer, K., Rintoul, S. and Wijffels, S. Southern Ocean thermocline ventilation, LEGI seminar, Brest, December 2008
Sallée, J.B., Speer, K., Rintoul, S. and Wijffels, S. Southern Ocean thermocline ventilation, LOCEAN seminar, Brest, November 2008
Sallée, J.B. Southern Ocean Mode Waters. CSIRO seminar, Hobart (Australia), July 2008.
Sallee J.B.,Wienders N., Morrow R., and Speer K. Formation of Subantarctic Mode Water in the Southeastern Indian Ocean. FSU seminar, Tallahassee (Florida, USA), February 2007.
Sallee J.B.,Wienders N., Morrow R., and Speer K. Formation of Subantarctic Mode Water in the Southeastern Indian Ocean. CSIRO seminar, Hobart (Australia), February 2006.

International Conferences

Sallée, J.B.; Roy, T.: present-day southern ocean carbon sequestration, and future changes of surface uptake
Tagliabue, A.; Sallée, J.B.; Bowie, A. R.; Lévy, M.; Boyd, P. W.: towards reconciling seasonal iron supply and biological utilisation in the southern ocean
Von schuckmann, K.; Sallée, J. B.; Chambers, D.; Le Traon, P. Y.; Cabanes, C.: consistency of the current global ocean observing systems from an argo perspective
Llort, J.; Tagliabue, A.; Ayata, S. D.; Sallée, J.B.; Lévy, M.: sensitivity of southern ocean phytoplankton phenology to changes in vertical mixing and ferricline depths
Moran, S., Watson, A., Messias, M-J. Sallee, J-B, Bakker, D. The role of diapycnal mixing in the uptake and transport of carbon in the Southern Ocean, Royal Society Meeting. Theo Murphy International Scientific Meeting, 2013
Sallée, J.B., Llort, J., Tagliabue, A., LeSommer, J., Lévy, M., Chlorophyll Bloom Onset in the Southern Ocean, 45th International Liège Colloquium, May 2013
Llort, J., A.Tagliabue, J.B. Sallée and M.Lévy, Sensitivity of southern ocean phytoplankton blooms to changes in vertical mixing and ferricline depths, May 2013. 45th International liege colloquium on ocean dynamics.
Tagliabue, A., Sallée, J.B., Bowie, A. R., Lévy, M., Swart, S. and Boyd, P. W., Towards Reconciling Iron Supply and Demand in the Southern Ocean. 45th International liege colloquium on ocean dynamics, May 2013
Tagliabue, A., Sallée, J.B., Bowie, A. R., Lévy, M., Swart, S. and Boyd, P. W., Towards Reconciling Iron Supply and Demand in the Southern Ocean, Aquatic Sciences Meeting, February 17-22 2013. New Orleans
Sallée, J.B. and Shuckburgh, E., Mean-flow and Topographic Control on Surface Eddy-mixing in the Southern Ocean, OSTST, CNES-NASA, Venice, 2012
Sallée, J.B., Matear, M., Lenton, A., Rintoul, S. Surface to interior transport of carbon in the Southern Ocean. AGU Ocean Science conference, Salt Lake City, USA, February 2012.
Sallée, J.B., Speer, K. Rintoul, S., Surface mixing in the Southern Ocean. IUGG, Melbourne, Australia, July 2011.
Sallée, J.B., Rintoul, S.Matear, M., Lenton, A., Surface to interior transport of carbon in the Southern Ocean. IUGG, Melbourne, Australia, July 2011.
Sallée, J.B. and Rintoul, S.R., Zonally asymmetric response of the Southern Ocean mixed-layer depth to the Southern Annular Mode, June 2010, Euro-Argo meeting, Paris - France
Sallée, J.B., Matear, M., Lenton, A., Rintoul, S. The physical transport of carbon into the Southern Ocean interior. ICDC8 conference, Jena, Germany, September 2009.
Sallée, J.B., Speer, K., Rintoul, S. and Wijffels, S. Southern Ocean thermocline ventilation, AGU fall meeting, December 2008.
Sallée, J.B., Speer, K., Rintoul, S. and Wijffels, S. Southern Ocean thermocline ventilation, Godae final synopsium, Nice, November 2008
Sallée, J.B., Speer, K, Morrow, R. and Lumpkin, R. An estimate of the Lagragian eddy statistics and diffusion in the mixed layer of the Southern Ocean. OSTST meeting, Nice, November 2008
Barbero-Muñoz, L; Boutin, J; Merlivat, L; Sallée, J B; Takahashi, T; Sutherland, S C; Time-series study of the air-sea co2 flux in frontal regions of the southern ocean from in situ data. 2008 EGU General Assembly. 13-18 April 2008. Vienna Austria
Sallée J.B. and Speer, K. Eddy diffusion and the upper Cell of the Southern Ocean. AGU Ocean Science, Orlando, USA. 2-7 March 2008.
Barbero-Muñoz, L; Boutin, J; Merlivat, L; Sallée, J B; Takahashi, T; Sutherland, S C; Time-series study of the air-sea co2 flux in frontal regions of the southern ocean from in situ data. 2008 Ocean Sciences Meeting. 2-7 March 2008, Orlando USA.
Sallée J.B. Mode Waters in the Southern Ocean . Ph.D thesis defense, Toulouse, 5 Nov 2007.
Sallée J.B. and Speer, K. Morrow,R. Response of the ACC to Atmospheric Variability. SWT-OSTST Meeting in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. 12-15 March 2007.
Barbero-Muñoz, L., Boutin, J., Merlivat, J. and Sallée, J.B. Air-sea CO2 fluxes in frontal regions of the Southern Ocean from in situ data. CARBOOCEAN 3rd annual meeting. 4-7 Dec. 2007, Bremen Germany.
R. Morrow et J.-B. Sallee, and K. Speer. FLOSTRAL project review. GMMC meeting, Toulouse, December 2006
J.-B. Sallee and R. Morrow. Delayed-mode calibration of ARGO profile in the Southern Oceans (30Sud/75Sud). 3th ARGO-France meeting – Centre Ifremer de Brest – 11 and 12 may 2006.
Sallée, J.B.; R. Morrow, K. Speer. Suivi des fronts de l'océan austral avec les données ARGO et satellitaires. 3th ARGO-France meeting – Centre Ifremer de Brest – 11 and 12 may 2006.
Sallée, J.B.; R. Morrow, K. Speer, N. Wienders. Forcing mechanisms for SAMW formation : role of eddies vs Ekman transport. Second ARGO science meeting. Venice, Italy. 13-18 March, 2006.
Sallee J.B., Wienders N., Morrow R., and Speer K. Formation of Subantarctic Mode Water in the Southeastern Indian Ocean. Ocean Science Meeting Hawaii, 20-24 February 2006.
Sallee J.B., Speer, K. and Morrow R. Continuity and Variability of Antarctic Circumpolar Fronts. Ocean Science Meeting Hawaii, 20-24 February 2006.
Morrow, R., J.B. Sallée, N. Wienders, K. Speer. Heat and freshwater budgets for SAMW formation: role of eddies vs Ekman transport. 2005 IAG/IAPSO/IABO Joint Assembly. Cairns, Australia, August 2005.
Sallée, J.B.; R. Morrow, N. Wienders, K. Speer. Heat budget in the SAMW formation area. EGU Second Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 24–29th 2005.
Morrow, R. , F. Birol, A. Chaigneau, J.-R. Donguy, D. Griffin, J.-B. Sallee, S. Rintoul, K. Speer, J. Sudre, Wienders. 2005. Eddy heat and salt transport in the Southern Ocean. Modelling, observing, and forecasting sea level, ocean tides and ocean circulation: reviews and recent progress. Colloquium in honour and in memory of Christian LeProvost. Toulouse, France. March 2005
Wienders, N., K. Speer, J.B. Sallée, R. Morrow. Heat Balance in the Southeastern Indian Ocean From Float Data. American Geophysical Union, 2004 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, December 13-17th, 2004.