Professional Experience

May 2018- Lead author of chapter 9 (ocean, cryosphere, and sea-level) of the 6th IPCC Assessment Report
Jan 2015- Member of the Southern Ocean Observation System (SOOS) scientic steering committee
May 2017 Member of the IPCC committee proposing outline of the 6th IPCC Assessment Report
Oct 2014- Research Scientist (permanent position) for CNRS (CR1), based at LOCEAN, Paris, Fr
Dec 2013 Habilitation à diriger des recherches - Sorbonne Universités (UPMC, Univ Paris 6). Highest degree in french universities sometime translated as "accreditation to supervise research"
2013-2014 Research Scientist (CNRS) funded through ANR early career fellowship, LOCEAN, Paris, Fr
2013- BAS Fellow, British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, UK
2011-2015 Research Fellow, University of Cambridge, UK
2010-2013 Research Scientist (permanent position) at British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, UK
2008-2010 Post-doc at CSIRO, Hobart, Australia (OCE fellowship)
2004-2007 Ph.d at Toulouse University III (Research Minister scholarship) under the supervision of Rosemary Morrow
2004-2007 Teaching assistant at Toulouse University III (France) in Physics, statistics and computer science

Experience at sea

2017 Chief scientist on the RRS James Clark Ross - WAPITI cruise (Southern Weddell Sea).
2015 Watch leader on the RRS James Clark Ross in the SMILES cruise. Chief Scientist: Phil Hosegood
2013 Chief scientist on the RRS James Clark Ross - DIMES UK4: microstructure and Freon tracer measurments & Repeat hydrography (SR1, A23) & Long term monitoring of bottom water export (Orkney Passage mooring array).
2011 Watch leader on the RRS James Clark Ross in the DIMES UK-2.5 cruise in Drake Passage. Chief Scientist: Andrew Watson.
2010 Watch leader on the RRS James Cook in the DIMES UK-2 cruise in Drake Passage. Chief Scientist: Mike Meredith.
2008 Watch leader on the Aurora Australis: Observing transport and water mass changes south of Australia (CLIVAR SR3, 140E): A contribution to the International Polar Year . Chief Scientist: Steve Rintoul
2005 Volonteer on a research cruise. Lauching XBT on the transect Hobart-Terre Adelie on the French Boat l'Astrolabe for the SURVOSTRAL program