MODULE SVD_Procedures

Module SVD_Procedures exports a large set of routines for computing the full or partial Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), generalized inverse of a matrix and related computations (e.g. bidiagonal reduction of a general matrix, bidiagonal SVD solvers, …).

A general rectangular m-by-n matrix MAT has a SVD into the product of a m-by-min(m,n) orthogonal matrix U (e.g. U^T * U = I), a min(m,n)-by-min(m,n) diagonal matrix of singular values SIGMA and the transpose of a n-by-min(m,n) orthogonal matrix V (e.g. V^T * V = I),


The singular values SIGMA(i,i)=\sigma_i are all non-negative and can be chosen to form a nonincreasing sequence,

\sigma_1 \ge \sigma_2 \ge ... \ge \sigma_{min(m,n)} \ge 0

Note that the driver routines in the SVD_Procedures module compute the thin version of the SVD with U and V as a m-by-min(m,n) and n-by-min(m,n) orthogonal matrices, respectively. This reduces the needed workspace or allows in-place computation and is the most commonly-used SVD form in practice.

Mathematically, the full SVD is defined with U as a m-by-m orthogonal matrix, V a a n-by-n orthogonal matrix and SIGMA as a m-by-n diagonal matrix (with additional rows or columns of zeros). This full SVD can be computed with the help of the computational routines included in the SVD_Procedures module at the user option.

The SVD of a matrix has many practical uses [Lawson_Hanson:1974] [Golub_VanLoan:1996] [Hansen_etal:2012]. The condition number of the matrix is given by the ratio of the largest singular value to the smallest singular value. The presence of a zero singular value indicates that the matrix is singular. The number of non-zero singular values indicates the rank of the matrix. In practice, the SVD of a rank-deficient matrix will not produce exact zeroes for singular values, due to finite numerical precision. Small singular values should be set to zero explicitly by choosing a suitable tolerance and this is the strategy followed for computing the generalized (e.g. Moore-Penrose) inverse MAT+ of a matrix [Golub_VanLoan:1996] [Hansen_etal:2012]. See the documentation of the comp_ginv() subroutine for more details.

For a rank-deficient matrix, the null space of MAT is given by the columns of V corresponding to the zero singular values in the full SVD of MAT. Similarly, the range of MAT is given by columns of U corresponding to the non-zero singular values.

See [Lawson_Hanson:1974], [Golub_VanLoan:1996] or [Hansen_etal:2012] for more details on these results.

As intermediate steps for computing the SVD or for obtaining a partial SVD at reduced cost, this module also provides routines for

  • the transformation of MAT to bidiagonal form BD by similarity transformations [Lawson_Hanson:1974] [Golub_VanLoan:1996],

    MAT = Q * BD * P^T

    where Q and P are orthogonal matrices and BD is a min(m,n)-by-min(m,n) upper or lower bidiagonal matrix (e.g. with non-zero entries only on the diagonal and superdiagonal or on the diagonal and subdiagonal). The shape of Q is m-by-min(m,n) and the shape of P is n-by-min(m,n).

  • the computation of the singular values \sigma_i, left singular vectors w_i and right singular vectors z_i of BD,

    W^T * BD * Z = SIGMA

    where SIGMA is a min(m,n)-by-min(m,n) diagonal matrix with SIGMA(i,i)=\sigma_i, W is the min(m,n)-by-min(m,n) matrix of left singular vectors of BD and Z is the min(m,n)-by-min(m,n) matrix of right singular vectors of BD;

  • the back-transformation of the singular vectors w_i and z_i of BD to the singular vectors u_i and v_i of MAT,

    MAT = (Q * W) * SIGMA * (P * Z)^T = U * SIGMA * V^T

    where U is the m-by-min(m,n) matrix of the left singular vectors of MAT, V is the n-by-min(m,n) matrix of the right singular vectors of MAT and the singular values SIGMA(i,i)=\sigma_i of BD are also the singular values of MAT.

Depending on the situation and the algorithm used, it is also possible to compute only the largest singular values and associated singular vectors of BD.

STATPACK includes two different algorithms for the transformation of matrix to bidiagonal form:

  • a cache-efficient blocked and parallel version of the classic Golub and Kahan Householder bidiagonalization, which reduces the traffic on the data bus from four reads and two writes per column-row elimination of the bidiagonalization process to one read and one write [Howell_etal:2008];
  • a blocked and parallel version of the one-sided Ralha-Barlow bidiagonal reduction algorithm [Ralha:2003] [Barlow_etal:2005] [Bosner_Barlow:2007] , with partial reorthogonalization based on Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization [Stewart:2007]. This algorithm is significantly faster in most cases, but is slightly less accurate for the left singular vectors (if m>=n).

Blocked and parallel routines are also provided for generation and application of the orthogonal matrices, Q and P, associated with the bidiagonalization process, in both cases [Dongarra_etal:1989] [Golub_VanLoan:1996] [Walker:1988].

Currently, STATPACK includes three different algorithms for computing (selected) singular values and vectors of a bidiagonal matrix BD:

The QR bidiagonal algorithm applies a sequence of similarity transformations to the bidiagonal matrix BD until its off-diagonal elements become negligible and the diagonal elements have converged to the singular values of BD. It consists of a bulge-chasing procedure that implicitly includes shifts and use plane rotations (e.g. Givens rotations) which preserve the bidiagonal form of BD [Lawson_Hanson:1974] [Golub_VanLoan:1996]. High performance is obtained in STATPACK by restructuring the QR bidiagonal iteration with a wave-front algorithm for the accumulation of Givens rotations [VanZee_etal:2011] and parallelization [Demmel_etal:1993]. Subset computations are not possible with the QR bidiagonal algorithm, with this method it is possible to compute all the singular values or both all the singular values and associated singular vectors.

Bisection is based on Sturm sequences and requires O(min(n,m)k) or O(2min(n,m)k) operations to compute k singular values of a min(n,m)-by-min(n,m) bidiagonal matrix BD [Golub_VanLoan:1996]. Two parallel bisection algorithms for bidiagonal matrices are currently provided in STATPACK:

  • The first applies bisection to an associated 2.min(n,m)-by-2.min(n,m) symmetric tridiagonal matrix T (the so-called Tridiagonal Golub-Kahan form of BD) whose eigenvalues are the singular values of BD and their negatives [Fernando:1998];
  • The second applies bisection implicitly to the associated min(n,m)-by-min(n,m) symmetric tridiagonal matrix BDT * BD whose eigenvalues are the squares of the singular values of BD by using the differential stationary form of the QD algorithm of Rutishauser (see Sec.3.1 of [Fernando:1998]).

If high relative accuracy for small singular values is required, the first algorithm based on the Tridiagonal Golub-Kahan (TGK) form of the bidiagonal matrix is the best choice [Fernando:1998]. Both STATPACK bidiagonal bisection routines also allow subset computations of the largest singular values of BD.

Once singular values have been obtained by bisection or implicit QR bidiagonal iteration, associated singular vectors can be computed efficiently using:

  • Fernando’s method and inverse iteration on the TGK form of the bidiagonal matrix BD [Godunov_etal:1993] [Marques_Vasconcelos:2017] [Bini_etal:2005]. These singular vectors are then orthogonalized by the modified Gram-Schmidt algorithm if the singular values are not well-separated;
  • a novel technique combining an extension to bidiagonal matrices of Fernando’s approach for computing eigenvectors of tridiagonal matrices with a deflation procedure by Givens rotations originally developed by Godunov and collaborators [Fernando:1997] [Parlett_Dhillon:1997] [Malyshev:2000]. If this deflation technique failed, QR bidiagonal iterations with a perfect shift strategy are used instead as a back-up procedure [Mastronardi_etal:2006]. It is highly recommended to compute the singular values of the bidiagonal matrix to high accuracy for the success of the deflation technique, meaning that this approach is less robust than the inverse iteration technique for computing selected singular vectors of a bidiagonal matrix.

If the distance between the singular values of BD is sufficient relative to the norm of BD, then computing the associated singular vectors by inverse iteration or deflation is also a O(min(n,m)k) or O(2min(n,m)k) process, where k is the number of singular vectors to compute. Furthermore, subset computations are not possible in the standard QR bidiagonal algorithm, and the bisection-inverse iteration or bisection-deflation methods are the preferred methods if you are only interested in a subset of the singular vectors of the matrix BD or MAT.

All above algorithms are parallelized with OpenMP [openmp]. Parallelism concerns only the computation of singular vectors in the QR bidiagonal method, but both the computation of the singular values and the singular vectors in the bisection-inverse iteration and bisection-deflation methods.

Note also that the driver and computational routines provided in this module are different from the corresponding implicit QR bidiagonal iteration and inverse iteration routines provided by LAPACK [Anderson_etal:1999] and are much faster if OpenMP is used, but usually less accurate for the same precision in their default settings.

Finally, the routines provided in this module apply only to real data of kind stnd. The real kind type stnd is defined in module Select_Parameters. Computation of singular values and vectors for a complex matrix are not provided in this release of STATPACK.

In order to use one of these routines, you must include an appropriate use SVD_Procedures or use Statpack statement in your Fortran program, like:

use SVD_Procedures, only: svd_cmp

or :

use Statpack, only: svd_cmp

Here is the list of the public routines exported by module SVD_Procedures:



bd_cmp() reduces a general m-by-n matrix MAT to upper or lower bidiagonal form BD by an orthogonal transformation:

Q^T * MAT * P = BD

where Q and P are orthogonal matrices. If:

  • m >= n, BD is upper bidiagonal;
  • m < n, BD is lower bidiagonal.

bd_cmp() computes BD, Q and P, using an efficient variant of the classic Golub and Kahan Householder bidiagonalization algorithm [Howell_etal:2008]. This reduction of MAT to bidiagonal form BD is also parallelized with OpenMP.


call bd_cmp( mat(:m,:n) , d(:min(m,n)) , e(:min(m,n)) , tauq(:min(m,n)) , taup(:min(m,n)) )
call bd_cmp( mat(:m,:n) , d(:min(m,n)) , e(:min(m,n)) , tauq(:min(m,n))                   )
call bd_cmp( mat(:m,:n) , d(:min(m,n)) , e(:min(m,n))                                     )






bd_cmp2() reduces a m-by-n matrix MAT with m >= n to upper bidiagonal form BD by an orthogonal transformation:

Q^T * MAT * P = BD

where Q and P are orthogonal.

bd_cmp2() computes BD, Q and P using a parallel and blocked version of the one-sided Ralha-Barlow bidiagonal reduction algorithm [Ralha:2003] [Barlow_etal:2005] [Bosner_Barlow:2007].


call bd_cmp2( mat(:m,:n) , d(:n) , e(:n) , p(:n,:n), failure=failure , gen_p=gen_p )
call bd_cmp2( mat(:m,:n) , d(:n) , e(:n) ,           failure=failure               )






ortho_gen_bd() generates the real orthogonal matrices Q and P determined by bd_cmp() when reducing a m-by-n real matrix MAT to bidiagonal form :

MAT = Q * BD * P^T

Q and P are defined as products of elementary reflectors H(i) and G(i), respectively, as computed by bd_cmp() and stored in its array arguments MAT, TAUQ and TAUP:

  • if m >= n:

    Q = H(1) * H(2) * ... * H(n) and ortho_gen_bd() returns the first n columns of Q in MAT;

    P = G(1) * G(2) * ... * G(n-1) and ortho_gen_bd() returns P as an n-by-n matrix in P.

  • if m < n:

    Q = H(1) * H(2) * ... * H(m-1) and ortho_gen_bd() returns Q as an m-by-m matrix in MAT(1:m,1:m);

    P = G(1) * G(2) * ... * G(m) and ortho_gen_bd() returns the first m columns of P, in P.

The generation of the real orthogonal matrices Q and P is blocked and parallelized with OpenMP [Walker:1988].


call ortho_gen_bd( mat(:m,:n) , tauq(:min(m,n)) , taup(:min(m,n)) , p(:n,:min(m,n)) )





ortho_gen_bd2() generates the real orthogonal matrices Q and PT determined by bd_cmp() when reducing a m-by-n real matrix MAT to bidiagonal form :

MAT = Q * BD * P^T

Q and PT are defined as products of elementary reflectors H(i) and G(i), respectively, as computed by bd_cmp() and stored in its array arguments MAT, TAUQ and TAUP:

  • if m >= n:

    Q = H(1) * H(2) * ... * H(n) and ortho_gen_bd2() returns the first n columns of Q in MAT;

    P^T = G(n-1) * ... * G(2) * G(1) and ortho_gen_bd2() returns PT as an n-by-n matrix in Q_PT.

  • if m < n:

    Q = H(1) * H(2) * ... * H(m-1) and ortho_gen_bd2() returns Q as an m-by-m matrix in Q_PT;

    P^T = G(m) * ... * G(2) * G(1) and ortho_gen_bd2() returns the first m rows of PT, in MAT.

The generation of the real orthogonal matrices Q and PT is blocked and parallelized with OpenMP [Walker:1988].


call ortho_gen_bd2( mat(:m,:n) , tauq(:min(m,n)) , taup(:min(m,n)) , q_pt(:min(m,n),:min(m,n)) )


ortho_gen_q_bd() generate the real orthogonal matrix Q determined by bd_cmp() when reducing a m-by-n real matrix MAT to bidiagonal form:

MAT = Q * BD * P^T

Q is defined as products of elementary reflectors H(i) as computed by bd_cmp() and stored in its array arguments MAT and TAUQ:

  • if m >= n:
    Q = H(1) * H(2) * ... * H(n) and ortho_gen_q_bd() returns the first n columns of Q in MAT;
  • if m < n:
    Q = H(1) * H(2) * ... * H(m-1) and ortho_gen_q_bd() returns Q as an m-by-m matrix in MAT(1:m,1:m);

The generation of the real orthogonal matrix Q is blocked and parallelized with OpenMP [Walker:1988].


call ortho_gen_q_bd( mat(:m,:n) , tauq(:min(m,n)) )





ortho_gen_p_bd() generate the real orthogonal matrix P determined by bd_cmp() when reducing a m-by-n real matrix MAT to bidiagonal form:

MAT = Q * BD * P^T

P is defined as products of elementary reflectors G(i) determined by bd_cmp() and stored in its array arguments MAT and TAUP:

  • if m >= n:
    P = G(1) * G(2) * ... * G(n-1) and ortho_gen_p_bd() returns P as an n-by-n matrix in P.
  • if m < n:
    P = G(1) * G(2) * ... * G(m) and ortho_gen_p_bd() returns the first m columns of P, in P.

The generation of the real orthogonal matrix P is blocked and parallelized with OpenMP [Walker:1988].


call ortho_gen_p_bd( mat(:m,:n) , taup(:min(m,n)) , p(:n,:min(m,n)) )





apply_q_bd() overwrites the general real m-by-n matrix C with:

  • Q * C if LEFT = true and TRANS = false ;
  • Q^T * C if LEFT = true and TRANS = true ;
  • C * Q if LEFT = false and TRANS = false ;
  • C * Q^T if LEFT = false and TRANS = true .

Here Q is the orthogonal matrix determined by bd_cmp() when reducing a real matrix MAT to bidiagonal form:

MAT = Q * BD * P^T

and Q is defined as products of elementary reflectors H(i).

Let nq = m if LEFT = true and nq = n if LEFT = false. Thus, nq is the order of the orthogonal matrix Q that is applied. MAT is assumed to have been an nq-by-k matrix and

Q = H(1) * H(2) * ... * H(k) , if nq >= k;


Q = H(1) * H(2) * ... * H(nq-1) , if nq < k.

The application of the real orthogonal matrix Q to the matrix C is blocked and parallelized with OpenMP [Walker:1988].


call apply_q_bd( mat(:m,:n) , tauq(:min(m,n)) , c(:,:) , left , trans )







apply_p_bd() overwrites the general real m-by-n matrix C with

  • P * C if LEFT = true and TRANS = false ;
  • P^T * C if LEFT = true and TRANS = true ;
  • C * P if LEFT = false and TRANS = false ;
  • C * P^T if LEFT = false and TRANS = true .

Here P is the orthogonal matrix determined by bd_cmp() when reducing a real matrix MAT to bidiagonal form:

MAT = Q * BD * P^T

and P is defined as products of elementary reflectors G(i).

Let np = m if LEFT = true and np = n if LEFT = false. Thus, np is the order of the orthogonal matrix P that is applied. MAT is assumed to have been an k-by-np matrix and

P = G(1) * G(2) * ... * G(k) , if k < np;


P = G(1) * G(2) * ... * G(np-1) , if k >= np.

The application of the real orthogonal matrix P to the matrix C is blocked and parallelized with OpenMP [Walker:1988].


call apply_p_bd( mat(:m,:n) , taup(:min(m,n)) , c(:,:) , left , trans )







bd_svd() computes the singular value decomposition (SVD) of a real n-by-n (upper or lower) bidiagonal matrix B:

B = Q * S * P^T

where S is a diagonal matrix with non-negative diagonal elements (the singular values of B), and, Q and P are orthogonal matrices (PT denotes the transpose of P).

The routine computes S, U * Q, and V * P, for given real input matrices U, V.


call bd_svd( upper , d(:n) , e(:n) , failure , u(:,:n) , v(:,:n) , sort=sort , maxiter=maxiter , max_francis_steps=max_francis_steps , perfect_shift=perfect_shift )
call bd_svd( upper , d(:n) , e(:n) , failure , u(:,:n) ,           sort=sort , maxiter=maxiter , max_francis_steps=max_francis_steps , perfect_shift=perfect_shift )
call bd_svd( upper , d(:n) , e(:n) , failure ,                     sort=sort , maxiter=maxiter )







bd_svd2() computes the singular value decomposition (SVD) of a real n-by-n (upper or lower) bidiagonal matrix B:

B = Q * S * P^T

where S is a diagonal matrix with non-negative diagonal elements (the singular values of B), and, Q and P are orthogonal matrices (PT denotes the transpose of P).

The routine computes S, U * Q, and PT * VT, for given real input matrices U, VT.


call bd_svd2( upper , d(:n) , e(:n) , failure , u(:,:n) , vt(:n,:) , sort=sort , maxiter=maxiter , max_francis_steps=max_francis_steps , perfect_shift=perfect_shift )
call bd_svd2( upper , d(:n) , e(:n) , failure , u(:,:n) ,            sort=sort , maxiter=maxiter , max_francis_steps=max_francis_steps , perfect_shift=perfect_shift )
call bd_svd2( upper , d(:n) , e(:n) , failure ,                      sort=sort , maxiter=maxiter )





bd_singval() computes all or some of the greatest singular values of a real n-by-n (upper or lower) bidiagonal matrix B by a bisection algorithm.

The Singular Value Decomposition of B is:

B = Q * S * P^T

where S is a diagonal matrix with non-negative diagonal elements (the singular values of B), and, Q and P are orthogonal matrices (PT denotes the transpose of P).

The singular values S of the bidiagonal matrix B are computed by a bisection algorithm applied to the Tridiagonal Golub-Kahan (TGK) form of the bidiagonal matrix B (see [Fernando:1998]; Sec.3.3 ).

The singular values can be computed with high relative accuracy, at the user option, by using the optional argument ABSTOL with the value sqrt(lamch("S")).


call bd_singval( d(:n) , e(:n) , nsing , s(:n) , failure , sort=sort , vector=vector , abstol=abstol , ls=ls , theta=theta , scaling=scaling , init=init )








bd_singval2() computes all or some of the greatest singular values of a real n-by-n (upper or lower) bidiagonal matrix B by a bisection algorithm.

The Singular Value Decomposition of B is:

B = Q * S * P^T

where S is a diagonal matrix with non-negative diagonal elements (the singular values of B), and, Q and P are orthogonal matrices (PT denotes the transpose of P).

The singular values S of the bidiagonal matrix B are computed by a bisection algorithm (see [Golub_VanLoan:1996]; Sec.8.5 ). The bisection method is applied (implicitly) to the associated n-by-n symmetric tridiagonal matrix

B^T * B

whose eigenvalues are the squares of the singular values of B by using the differential stationary form of the qd algorithm of Rutishauser (see [Fernando:1998]; Sec.3.1 ).

The singular values can be computed with high accuracy at the user option.

The singular values can be computed with high relative accuracy, at the user option, by using the optional argument ABSTOL with the value sqrt(lamch("S")).


call bd_singval2( d(:n) , e(:n) , nsing , s(:n) , failure , sort=sort , vector=vector , abstol=abstol , ls=ls , theta=theta , scaling=scaling , init=init )







svd_cmp() computes the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of a real m-by-n matrix MAT. The SVD is written:


where SIGMA is an m-by-n matrix which is zero except for its min(m,n) diagonal elements, U is an m-by-m orthogonal matrix, and V is an n-by-n orthogonal matrix. The diagonal elements of SIGMA are the singular values of MAT; they are real and non-negative. The columns of U and V are, respectively, the left and right singular vectors of MAT.

svd_cmp() computes only the first min(m,n) columns of U and V (e.g. the left and right singular vectors of MAT in the thin SVD of MAT).

The routine returns the min(m,n) singular values and the associated left and right singular vectors.


call svd_cmp( mat(:m,:n) , s(:min(m,n)) , failure , v(:n,:min(m,n)) , sort=sort , mul_size=mul_size , maxiter=maxiter , max_francis_steps=max_francis_steps , perfect_shift=perfect_shift , use_svd2=use_svd2 )
call svd_cmp( mat(:m,:n) , s(:min(m,n)) , failure ,                   sort=sort , mul_size=mul_size , maxiter=maxiter , d=d(:min(m,n)) , e=e(:min(m,n)) , tauq=tauq(:min(m,n)) , taup=taup(:min(m,n)) )








svd_cmp2() computes the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of a real m-by-n matrix MAT. The SVD is written:


where SIGMA is an m-by-n matrix which is zero except for its min(m,n) diagonal elements, U is an m-by-m orthogonal matrix, and V is an n-by-n orthogonal matrix. The diagonal elements of SIGMA are the singular values of MAT; they are real and non-negative. The columns of U and V are, respectively, the left and right singular vectors of MAT.

svd_cmp2() computes only the first min(m,n) columns of U and V (e.g. the left and right singular vectors of MAT in the thin SVD of MAT). The right singular vectors are returned rowwise.

This routine uses the same output formats for the SVD factors than the LAPACK SVD routines [Anderson_etal:1999], but is slower than svd_cmp().


call svd_cmp2( mat(:m,:n) , s(:min(m,n)) , failure , u_vt(:min(m,n),:min(m,n)) , sort=sort , mul_size=mul_size , maxiter=maxiter , max_francis_steps=max_francis_steps , perfect_shift=perfect_shift , use_svd2=use_svd2 )
call svd_cmp2( mat(:m,:n) , s(:min(m,n)) , failure ,                             sort=sort , mul_size=mul_size , maxiter=maxiter , d=d(:min(m,n)) , e=e(:min(m,n)) , tauq=tauq(:min(m,n)) , taup=taup(:min(m,n)) )






svd_cmp3() computes the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of a real m-by-n matrix MAT. The SVD is written:


where SIGMA is an m-by-n matrix which is zero except for its min(m,n) diagonal elements, U is an m-by-m orthogonal matrix, and V is an n-by-n orthogonal matrix. The diagonal elements of SIGMA are the singular values of MAT; they are real and non-negative. The columns of U and V are, respectively, the left and right singular vectors of MAT.

The routine returns the first min(m,n) singular values and the associated left and right singular vectors corresponding to a thin SVD of MAT. The right singular vectors are returned rowwise if m<n.

This routine is usually significantly faster than svd_cmp() or svd_cmp2() because of the use of the Ralha-Barlow one-sided bidiagonalization algorithm in the first step of the SVD [Barlow_etal:2005] [Bosner_Barlow:2007].


call svd_cmp3( mat(:m,:n) , s(:min(m,n)) , failure , u_v(:min(m,n),:min(m,n)) , sort=sort , maxiter=maxiter , max_francis_steps=max_francis_steps , perfect_shift=perfect_shift , failure_bd=failure_bd )
call svd_cmp3( mat(:m,:n) , s(:min(m,n)) , failure ,                            sort=sort , maxiter=maxiter , save_mat=save_mat , failure_bd=failure_bd )





svd_cmp4() computes the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of a real m-by-n matrix MAT with m>=n. The SVD is written:


where SIGMA is an m-by-n matrix which is zero except for its min(m,n) diagonal elements, U is an m-by-m orthogonal matrix, and V is an n-by-n orthogonal matrix. The diagonal elements of SIGMA are the singular values of MAT; they are real and non-negative. The columns of U and V are, respectively, the left and right singular vectors of MAT.

The routine returns the first data:n singular values and associated left and right singular vectors corresponding to a thin SVD of MAT.

Optionally, if the logical argument SING_VEC is used with the value false, the routine computes only the singular values and the orthogonal matrices Q and P used to reduce MAT to bidiagonal form BD. This is useful for computing a partial SVD of the matrix MAT with subroutines bd_inviter2() or bd_deflate2() for example.

This routine is usually significantly faster than svd_cmp() or svd_cmp2() for computing the thin SVD of MAT because of the use of the Ralha-Barlow one-sided bidiagonalization algorithm in the first step of the SVD [Barlow_etal:2005] [Bosner_Barlow:2007].


call svd_cmp4( mat(:m,:n) , s(:n) , failure , v(:n,:n) , sort=sort , maxiter=maxiter , max_francis_steps=max_francis_steps , perfect_shift=perfect_shift , sing_vec=sing_vec , gen_p=gen_p , failure_bd=failure_bd , d(:n), e(:n) )
call svd_cmp4( mat(:m,:n) , s(:n) , failure ,            sort=sort , maxiter=maxiter , save_mat=save_mat , failure_bd=failure_bd )





singvalues() computes the singular values of a real m-by-n matrix MAT. The Singular Value decomposition (SVD) is written


where SIGMA is an m-by-n matrix which is zero except for its min(m,n) diagonal elements, U is an m-by-m orthogonal matrix, and V is an n-by-n orthogonal matrix. The diagonal elements of SIGMA are the singular values of MAT; they are real and non-negative.

The singular values are computed by the QR bidiagonal algorithm [Lawson_Hanson:1974] [Golub_VanLoan:1996].


singval(:min(m,n)) = singvalues( mat(:m,:n) , sort=sort , mul_size=mul_size , maxiter=maxiter )





select_singval_cmp() computes all or some of the greatest singular values of a real m-by-n matrix MAT.

The Singular Value decomposition (SVD) is written:


where SIGMA is an m-by-n matrix which is zero except for its min(m,n) diagonal elements, U is an m-by-m orthogonal matrix, and V is an n-by-n orthogonal matrix. The diagonal elements of SIGMA are the singular values of MAT; they are real and non-negative.

The original matrix MAT is first reduced to upper or lower bidiagonal form BD by an orthogonal transformation:

Q^T * MAT * P = BD

where Q and P are orthogonal (see [Golub_VanLoan:1996] [Lawson_Hanson:1974] [Howell_etal:2008]).

The singular values SIGMA of the bidiagonal matrix BD, which are also the singular values of MAT, are then computed by a bisection algorithm applied to the Tridiagonal Golub-Kahan (TGK) form of the bidiagonal matrix BD (see [Fernando:1998]; Sec.3.3 ).

The routine outputs (parts of) SIGMA and optionally Q and P (in packed form), and BD for a given matrix MAT. SIGMA, Q, P and BD may then be used to obtain selected singular vectors with subroutines bd_inviter(), bd_inviter2(), bd_deflate() or bd_deflate2().


call select_singval_cmp(  mat(:m,:n) , nsing , s(:min(m,n)) , failure , sort=sort , mul_size=mul_size , vector=vector , abstol=abstol , ls=ls , theta=theta , d=d(:min(m,n)) , e=e(:min(m,n)) , tauq=tauq(:min(m,n)) , taup=taup(:min(m,n)) , scaling=scaling , init=init )





select_singval_cmp2() computes all or some of the greatest singular values of a real m-by-n matrix MAT.

The Singular Value decomposition (SVD) is written:


where SIGMA is an m-by-n matrix which is zero except for its min(m,n) diagonal elements, U is an m-by-m orthogonal matrix, and V is an n-by-n orthogonal matrix. The diagonal elements of SIGMA are the singular values of MAT; they are real and non-negative.

The original matrix MAT is first reduced to upper or lower bidiagonal form BD by an orthogonal transformation:

Q^T * MAT * P = BD

where Q and P are orthogonal (see [Golub_VanLoan:1996] [Lawson_Hanson:1974] [Howell_etal:2008]).

The singular values SIGMA of the bidiagonal matrix BD, which are also the singular values of MAT, are then computed by a bisection algorithm (see [Golub_VanLoan:1996]; Sec.8.5 ). The bisection method is applied (implicitly) to the associated min(m,n)-by-min(m,n) symmetric tridiagonal matrix


whose eigenvalues are the squares of the singular values of BD by using the differential stationary form of the QD algorithm of Rutishauser (see [Fernando:1998]; Sec.3.1 ).

The routine outputs (parts of) SIGMA and optionally Q and P (in packed form), and BD for a given matrix MAT. SIGMA, Q, P and BD may then be used to obtain selected singular vectors with subroutines bd_inviter(), bd_inviter2(), bd_deflate() or bd_deflate2().


call select_singval_cmp2(  mat(:m,:n) , nsing , s(:min(m,n)) , failure , sort=sort , mul_size=mul_size , vector=vector , abstol=abstol , ls=ls , theta=theta , d=d(:min(m,n)) , e=e(:min(m,n)) , tauq=tauq(:min(m,n)) , taup=taup(:min(m,n)) , scaling=scaling , init=init )





select_singval_cmp3() computes all or some of the greatest singular values of a real m-by-n matrix MAT with m>=n.

The Singular Value decomposition (SVD) is written:


where SIGMA is an m-by-n matrix which is zero except for its min(m,n) diagonal elements, U is an m-by-m orthogonal matrix, and V is an n-by-n orthogonal matrix. The diagonal elements of SIGMA are the singular values of MAT; they are real and non-negative.

The original matrix MAT is first reduced to upper or lower bidiagonal form BD by an orthogonal transformation:

Q^T * MAT * P = BD

where Q and P are orthogonal (see [Lawson_Hanson:1974] [Golub_VanLoan:1996]). The fast Ralha-Barlow one-sided method is used for this purpose (see [Ralha:2003] [Barlow_etal:2005] [Bosner_Barlow:2007]).

The singular values SIGMA of the bidiagonal matrix BD, which are also the singular values of MAT, are then computed by a bisection algorithm applied to the Tridiagonal Golub-Kahan form of the bidiagonal matrix BD (see [Golub_VanLoan:1996] [Fernando:1998]).

The routine outputs (parts of) SIGMA, Q and optionally P (in packed form) and BD for a given matrix MAT. SIGMA, Q, P and BD may then be used to obtain selected singular vectors with subroutines bd_inviter(), bd_inviter2(), bd_deflate() or bd_deflate2().


call select_singval_cmp3(  mat(:m,:n) , nsing , s(:n) , failure , sort=sort , mul_size=mul_size , vector=vector , abstol=abstol , ls=ls , theta=theta , d=d(:n) , e=e(:n) , p=p(:n,:n) , gen_p=gen_p , scaling=scaling , init=init , failure_bd=failure_bd )





select_singval_cmp4() computes all or some of the greatest singular values of a real m-by-n matrix MAT with m>=n.

The Singular Value decomposition (SVD) is written:


where SIGMA is an m-by-n matrix which is zero except for its min(m,n) diagonal elements, U is an m-by-m orthogonal matrix, and V is an n-by-n orthogonal matrix. The diagonal elements of SIGMA are the singular values of MAT; they are real and non-negative.

The original matrix MAT is first reduced to upper or lower bidiagonal form BD by an orthogonal transformation:

Q^T * MAT * P = BD

where Q and P are orthogonal (see [Lawson_Hanson:1974] [Golub_VanLoan:1996]). The fast Ralha-Barlow one-sided method is used for this purpose (see [Ralha:2003] [Barlow_etal:2005] [Bosner_Barlow:2007]).

The singular values SIGMA of the bidiagonal matrix BD, which are also the singular values of MAT, are then computed by a bisection algorithm (see [Golub_VanLoan:1996]; Sec.8.5 ). The bisection method is applied (implicitly) to the associated min(m,n)-by-min(m,n) symmetric tridiagonal matrix


whose eigenvalues are the squares of the singular values of BD by using the differential stationary form of the qd algorithm of Rutishauser (see [Fernando:1998]; Sec.3.1 ).

The routine outputs (parts of) SIGMA, Q and optionally P (in packed form) and BD for a given matrix MAT. SIGMA, Q, P and BD may then be used to obtain selected singular vectors with subroutines bd_inviter(), bd_inviter2(), bd_deflate() or bd_deflate2().


call select_singval_cmp4(  mat(:m,:n) , nsing , s(:n) , failure , sort=sort , mul_size=mul_size , vector=vector , abstol=abstol , ls=ls , theta=theta , d=d(:n) , e=e(:n) , p=p(:n,:n) , gen_p=gen_p , scaling=scaling , init=init , failure_bd=failure_bd )





Given the singular values as output from bd_svd(), bd_svd2(), svd_cmp(), svd_cmp2() or svd_cmp3(), singval_sort() sorts the singular values into ascending or descending order.


call singval_sort( sort , d(:n) )


Given the singular values and (left or right) vectors as output from bd_svd(), bd_svd2(), svd_cmp(), svd_cmp2() or svd_cmp3(), singvec_sort() sorts the singular values into ascending or descending order and reorders the associated singular vectors accordingly.


call singvec_sort( sort , d(:n) , u(:,:n) )


Given the singular values and the associated left and right singular vectors as output from bd_svd(), svd_cmp(), svd_cmp2() or svd_cmp3(), svd_sort() sorts the singular values into ascending or descending order, and, rearranges the left and right singular vectors correspondingly.


call svd_sort( sort , d(:n) , u(:,:n) , v(:,:n) )
call svd_sort( sort , d(:n) , u(:,:n)           )
call svd_sort( sort , d(:n)                     )


Given the singular values and the associated left and right singular vectors as output from bd_svd2() or svd_cmp2(), svd_sort2() sorts the singular values into ascending or descending order, and, rearranges the left and right singular vectors correspondingly.


call svd_sort2( sort , d(:n) , u(:,:n) , vt(:n,:) )
call svd_sort2( sort , d(:n) , u(:,:n)            )
call svd_sort2( sort , d(:n)                      )


maxdiag_gkinv_qr() computes the index of the element of maximum absolute value in the diagonal entries of

( GK - lambda * I )^{-1}

where GK is a n-by-n symmetric tridiagonal matrix with a zero diagonal, I is the identity matrix and lambda is a scalar.

The diagonal entries of ( GK - lambda * I )-1 are computed by means of the QR factorization of GK - lambda * I.

For more details, see [Bini_etal:2005].

It is assumed that GK is unreduced, but no check is done in the subroutine to verify this assumption.


maxdiag_gkinv = maxdiag_gkinv_qr( e(:) , lambda )


maxdiag_gkinv_ldu() computes the index of the element of maximum absolute value in the diagonal entries of

( GK - lambda * I )^{-1}

where GK is a n-by-n symmetric tridiagonal matrix with a zero diagonal, I is the identity matrix and lambda is a scalar.

The diagonal entries of ( GK - lambda * I )-1 are computed by means of LDU and UDL factorization of GK - lambda * I.

For more details, see [Fernando:1997].

It is assumed that GK is unreduced, but no check is done in the subroutine to verify this assumption.


maxdiag_gkinv = maxdiag_gkinv_ldu( e(:) , lambda )


gk_qr_cmp() factorizes the symmetric matrix GK - lambda * I, where GK is an n-by-n symmetric tridiagonal matrix with a zero diagonal, I is the identity matrix and lambda is a scalar. as

GK - lambda * I = Q * R

where Q is an orthogonal matrix represented as the product of n-1 Givens rotations and R is an upper triangular matrix with at most two non-zero super-diagonal elements per column.

The parameter lambda is included in the routine so that gk_qr_cmp() may be used to obtain eigenvectors of GK by inverse iteration.

The subroutine also computes the index of the entry of maximum absolute value in the diagonal of ( GK - lambda * I )-1, which provides a good initial approximation to start the inverse iteration process for computing the eigenvector associated with the eigenvalue lambda.

For further details, see [Bini_etal:2005] [Fernando:1997] [Parlett_Dhillon:1997].


call gk_qr_cmp( e(:n-1) , lambda , cs(:n-1) , sn(:n-1) , diag(:n) , sup1(:n) , sup2(:n) , maxdiag_gkinv )


bd_inviter() computes the left and right singular vectors of a real n-by-n bidiagonal matrix BD corresponding to specified singular values, using Fernando’s method and inverse iteration on the Tridiagonal Golub-Kahan (TGK) form of the bidiagonal matrix BD.

The singular values used as input of bd_inviter() can be computed with a call to bd_svd(), bd_singval() or bd_singval2().

Moreover, the singular values used as input of bd_inviter() can be computed to high accuracy with a call to bd_singval() or bd_singval2() with the optional parameter ABSTOL set to sqrt(lamch("S")) for more robust results. See description of bd_singval() or bd_singval2() for more details.


call bd_inviter( upper , d(:n) , e(:n) , s     , leftvec(:n)    , rightvec(:n)    , failure , maxiter=maxiter , scaling=scaling , initvec=initvec )
call bd_inviter( upper , d(:n) , e(:n) , s(:p) , leftvec(:n,:p) , rightvec(:n,:p) , failure , maxiter=maxiter , ortho=ortho , backward_sweep=backward_sweep , scaling=scaling , initvec=initvec )






bd_inviter2() computes the left and right singular vectors of a full real m-by-n matrix MAT corresponding to specified singular values, using inverse iteration.

It is required that the original matrix MAT has been first reduced to upper or lower bidiagonal form BD by an orthogonal transformation:

Q^T * MAT * P = BD

where Q and P are orthogonal, and that selected singular values of BD have been computed. If m >= n, BD is upper bidiagonal and if m < n, BD is lower bidiagonal.

These steps can be done with a call to bd_cmp() (with parameters TAUQ and TAUP) or a call to bd_cmp2() (with parameter P), followed by a call to bd_svd(), bd_singval() or bd_singval2() for computing singular values, before the call to bd_inviter2() for computing the selected singular vectors.

Moreover, the singular values used as input of bd_inviter2() can be computed to high accuracy with a call to bd_singval() or bd_singval2() with the optional parameter ABSTOL set to sqrt(lamch("S")) for more robust results. See description of bd_singval() or bd_singval2() for more details.


call bd_inviter2( mat(:m,:n) , tauq(:min(m,n)) , taup(:min(m,n)) , d(:min(m,n)) , e(:min(m,n)) , s(:p) , leftvec(:m,:p) , rightvec(:n,:p) , failure, maxiter=maxiter , ortho=ortho , backward_sweep=backward_sweep , scaling=scaling , initvec=initvec )
call bd_inviter2( mat(:m,:n) , p(:n,:n) ,                          d(:n)         , e(:n)       , s(:p) , leftvec(:m,:p) , rightvec(:n,:p) , failure, maxiter=maxiter , ortho=ortho , backward_sweep=backward_sweep , scaling=scaling , initvec=initvec )






upper_bd_dsqd() computes:

  • the L * D * L^T factorization of the matrix BD^T * BD - shift * I, if FLIP=false;
  • the U * D * U^T factorization of the matrix BD^T * BD - shift * I, if FLIP=true;

for a n-by-n (upper) bidiagonal matrix BD and a given scalar shift. L and U are, respectively, unit lower and unit upper bidiagonal matrices and D is a diagonal matrix.

The differential form of the stationary QD algorithm of Rutishauser is used to compute the factorization. See [Fernando:1998] for further details.

The subroutine outputs the diagonal matrix D of the factorization, the off-diagonal entries of L (or of U if FLIP=true) and the auxiliary variable T in the differential form of the stationary QD algorithm.


call upper_bd_dsqd( a(:n) , b(:n-1) , shift , flip , d(:n)                   )
call upper_bd_dsqd( a(:n) , b(:n-1) , shift , flip , d(:n) , t(:n)           )
call upper_bd_dsqd( a(:n) , b(:n-1) , shift , flip , d(:n) , t(:n) , l(:n-1) )


upper_bd_dpqd() computes:

  • the L * D * L^T factorization of the matrix BD^T * BD - shift * I, if FLIP=false;
  • the U * D * U^T factorization of the matrix BD^T * BD - shift * I, if FLIP=true;

for a n-by-n (upper) bidiagonal matrix BD and a given scalar shift. L and U are, respectively, unit lower and unit upper bidiagonal matrices and D is a diagonal matrix.

The differential form of the progressive QD algorithm of Rutishauser is used to compute the factorization (see [Fernando:1998] for further details).

The subroutine outputs the diagonal matrix D of the factorization, the off-diagonal entries of L (or of U if FLIP=true) and the auxiliary variable S in the differential form of the progressive QD algorithm.


call upper_bd_dpqd( a(:n) , b(:n-1) , shift , flip , d(:n)                   )
call upper_bd_dpqd( a(:n) , b(:n-1) , shift , flip , d(:n) , s(:n)           )
call upper_bd_dpqd( a(:n) , b(:n-1) , shift , flip , d(:n) , s(:n) , l(:n-1) )


upper_bd_dsqd2() computes:

  • the L * D * L^T factorization of the matrix BD^T * BD - shift * I, if FLIP=false;
  • the U * D * U^T factorization of the matrix BD^T * BD - shift * I, if FLIP=true;

for a n-by-n (upper) bidiagonal matrix BD and a given scalar shift. L and U are, respectively, unit lower and unit upper bidiagonal matrices and D is a diagonal matrix.

The differential form of the stationary QD algorithm of Rutishauser is used to compute the factorization from the squared elements of the bidiagonal matrix BD. See [Fernando:1998] for further details.

The subroutine outputs the diagonal matrix D of the factorization and the auxiliary variable T (at the user option) in the differential form of the stationary QD algorithm.


call upper_bd_dsqd2( q2(:n) , e2(:n-1) , shift , flip , d(:n)         )
call upper_bd_dsqd2( q2(:n) , e2(:n-1) , shift , flip , d(:n) , t(:n) )


upper_bd_dpqd2() computes:

  • the L * D * L^T factorization of the matrix BD^T * BD - shift * I, if FLIP=false;
  • the U * D * U^T factorization of the matrix BD^T * BD - shift * I, if FLIP=true;

for a n-by-n (upper) bidiagonal matrix BD and a given scalar shift. L and U are, respectively, unit lower and unit upper bidiagonal matrices and D is a diagonal matrix.

The differential form of the progressive QD algorithm of Rutishauser is used to compute the factorization from the squared elements of the bidiagonal matrix BD. See [Fernando:1998] for further details.

The subroutine outputs the diagonal matrix D of the factorization and the auxiliary variable S in the differential form of the progressive QD algorithm.


call upper_bd_dpqd2( q2(:n) , e2(:n-1) , shift , flip , d(:n)         )
call upper_bd_dpqd2( q2(:n) , e2(:n-1) , shift , flip , d(:n) , s(:n) )


dflgen_bd() computes deflation parameters (e.g. two chains of Givens rotations) for a n-by-n (upper) bidiagonal matrix BD and a given singular value of BD.

On output, the arguments CS_LEFT, SN_LEFT, CS_RIGHT and SN_RIGHT contain, respectively, the vectors of the cosines and sines coefficients of the chain of n-1 planar rotations that deflates the real n-by-n bidiagonal matrix BD corresponding to a singular value LAMBDA.

For further details, see [Godunov_etal:1993] [Malyshev:2000].


call dflgen_bd( d(:n) , e(:n-1) , lambda , cs_left(:n-1) , sn_left(:n-1) , cs_right(:n-1) , sn_right(:n-1) , scaling=scaling )


dflgen2_bd() computes and applies deflation parameters (e.g. two chains of Givens rotations) for a n-by-n (upper) bidiagonal matrix BD and a given singular value of BD.

On input:

The arguments D and E contain, respectively, the main diagonal and off-diagonal of the bidiagonal matrix, and the argument LAMBDA contains an estimate of the singular value.

On output:

The arguments D and E contain, respectively, the new main diagonal and off-diagonal of the deflated bidiagonal matrix if the argument DEFLATE is set to true, otherwise D and E are not changed.

The arguments CS_LEFT, SN_LEFT, CS_RIGHT and SN_RIGHT contain, respectively, the vectors of the cosines and sines coefficients of the chain of n-1 planar rotations that deflates the real n-by-n bidiagonal matrix BD corresponding to the singular value LAMBDA. One chain is applied to the left of BD (CS_LEFT, SN_LEFT) and the other is applied to the right of BD (CS_RIGHT, SN_RIGHT).

For further details, see [Godunov_etal:1993] [Malyshev:2000].


call dflgen2_bd( d(:n) , e(:n-1) , lambda , cs_left(:n-1) , sn_left(:n-1) , cs_right(:n-1) , sn_right(:n-1) , deflate , scaling=scaling )


dflapp_bd() deflates a real n-by-n (upper) bidiagonal matrix BD by two chains of planar rotations produced by dflgen_bd() or dflgen2_bd().

On entry, the arguments D and E contain, respectively, the main diagonal and off-diagonal of the bidiagonal matrix.

On output, the arguments D and E contain, respectively, the new main diagonal and off-diagonal of the deflated bidiagonal matrix if the argument DEFLATE is set to true on output of dflapp_bd().

For further details, see [Godunov_etal:1993] [Malyshev:2000].


call dflapp_bd( d(:n) , e(:n-1) , cs_left(:n-1) , sn_left(:n-1) , cs_right(:n-1) , sn_right(:n-1) , deflate )


qrstep_bd() performs one QR step with a given shift LAMBDA on a n-by-n real (upper) bidiagonal matrix BD.

On entry, the arguments D and E contain, respectively, the main diagonal and off-diagonal of the bidiagonal matrix.

On output, the arguments D and E contain, respectively, the new main diagonal and off-diagonal of the deflated bidiagonal matrix if the logical argument DEFLATE is set to true on exit or if the optional logical argument UPDATE_BD is used with the value true on entry; otherwise the arguments D and E are not modified.

The two chains of n-1 planar rotations produced during the QR step are saved in the arguments CS_LEFT, SN_LEFT, CS_RIGHT, SN_RIGHT.

For further details, see [Mastronardi_etal:2006].


call qrstep_bd( d(:n) , e(:n-1) , lambda , cs_left(:n-1) , sn_left(:n-1) , cs_right(:n-1) , sn_right(:n-1) , deflate, update_bd )


qrstep_zero_bd() performs one implicit QR step with a zero shift on a n-by-n real (upper) bidiagonal matrix BD.

On entry, the arguments D and E contain, respectively, the main diagonal and off-diagonal of the bidiagonal matrix.

On output, the arguments D and E contain, respectively, the new main diagonal and off-diagonal of the deflated bidiagonal matrix if the logical argument DEFLATE is set to true on exit or if the optional logical argument UPDATE_BD is used with the value true on entry; otherwise the arguments D and E are not modified.

The two chains of n-1 planar rotations produced during the QR step are saved in the arguments CS_LEFT, SN_LEFT, CS_RIGHT, SN_RIGHT.

For further details, see [Demmel_Kahan:1990].


call qrstep_zero_bd( d(:n) , e(:n-1) , cs_left(:n-1) , sn_left(:n-1) , cs_right(:n-1) , sn_right(:n-1) , deflate, update_bd )


upper_bd_deflate() computes the left and right singular vectors of a real (upper) bidiagonal matrix BD corresponding to specified singular values, using a deflation technique on the BD matrix.

upper_bd_deflate() is a low-level subroutine used by bd_deflate() and bd_deflate2() subroutines. Its use as a stand-alone method for computing singular vectors of a bidiagonal matrix is not recommended.

Note also that the sign of the singular vectors computed by upper_bd_deflate() is arbitrary and not necessarily consistent between the left and right singular vectors. In order to compute consistent singular triplets, subroutine bd_deflate() must be used instead.


call upper_bd_deflate( d(:n) , e(:n-1) , singval     , leftvec(:n)    , rightvec(:n)    , failure , max_qr_steps=max_qr_steps , scaling=scaling )
call upper_bd_deflate( d(:n) , e(:n-1) , singval(:p) , leftvec(:n,:p) , rightvec(:n,:p) , failure , max_qr_steps=max_qr_steps , scaling=scaling )


bd_deflate() computes the left and right singular vectors of a real n-by-n bidiagonal matrix BD corresponding to specified singular values, using deflation techniques on the bidiagonal matrix BD.

It is highly recommended that the singular values used as input of bd_deflate() have been computed to high accuracy with a call to bd_singval() or bd_singval2() with the optional parameter ABSTOL set to sqrt(lamch("S")). See description of bd_singval() or bd_singval2() for more details.


call bd_deflate( upper , d(:n) , e(:n) , s(:p) , leftvec(:n,:p) , rightvec(:n,:p) , failure , max_qr_steps=max_qr_steps , ortho=ortho , scaling=scaling , inviter=inviter )





bd_deflate2() computes the left and right singular vectors of a full real m-by-n matrix MAT corresponding to specified singular values, using deflation techniques.

It is required that the original matrix MAT has been first reduced to upper or lower bidiagonal form BD by an orthogonal transformation:

Q^T * MAT * P = BD

where Q and P are orthogonal, and that selected singular values of BD have been computed. If m >= n, BD is upper bidiagonal and if m < n, BD is lower bidiagonal.

This can be done with a call to bd_cmp() (with parameters TAUQ and TAUP) or a call to bd_cmp2() (with parameter P), before calling bd_singval() or bd_singval2() for computing singular values, before the call to bd_deflate2() for computing the selected singular vectors.

It is also highly recommended that the singular values used as input of bd_deflate2() have been computed to high accuracy with a call to bd_singval() or bd_singval2() with the optional parameter ABSTOL set to sqrt(lamch("S")). See description of bd_singval() or bd_singval2() for more details.


call bd_deflate2( mat(:m,:n) , tauq(:min(m,n)) , taup(:min(m,n)) , d(:min(m,n)) , e(:min(m,n)) , s(:p) , leftvec(:m,:p) , rightvec(:n,:p) , failure , max_qr_steps=max_qr_steps , ortho=ortho , scaling=scaling , inviter=inviter )
call bd_deflate2( mat(:m,:n) , p(:n,:n) , d(:n) , e(:n) , s(:p) , leftvec(:m,:p) , rightvec(:n,:p) , failure , max_qr_steps=max_qr_steps , ortho=ortho , scaling=scaling , inviter=inviter )








product_svd_cmp() computes the singular value decomposition of the product of a m-by-n matrix A by the transpose of a p-by-n matrix B:

A * B^T = U * SIGMA * V^T

where A and B have more rows than columns ( n<=:data:min(m,p) ), SIGMA is an n-by-n matrix which is zero except for its diagonal elements, U is an m-by-n orthogonal matrix, and V is an p-by-n orthogonal matrix. The diagonal elements of SIGMA are the singular values of A * BT; they are real and non-negative. The columns of U and V are the left and right singular vectors of A * BT, respectively.


call product_svd_cmp( a(:m,:n) , b(:p,:n) , s(:n) , failure , sort=sort , maxiter=maxiter , max_francis_steps=max_francis_step , perfect_shift=perfect_shift )


ginv() returns the generalized (e.g. Moore-Penrose) inverse MAT+ of a m-by-n real matrix, MAT. The generalized inverse of MAT is a n-by-m matrix and is computed with the help of the SVD of MAT [Golub_VanLoan:1996].


matginv(:n,:m) = ginv( mat(:m,:n) , tol=tol , maxiter=maxiter , max_francis_steps=max_francis_step , perfect_shift=perfect_shift )





comp_ginv() computes the generalized (e.g. Moore-Penrose) inverse MAT+ of a m-by-n real matrix, MAT. The generalized inverse of MAT is a n-by-m matrix and is computed with the help of the SVD of MAT [Golub_VanLoan:1996].


call comp_ginv( mat(:m,:n) , failure, matginv(:n,:m), tol=tol , singvalues=singvalues(:min(m,n)) , krank=krank , mul_size=mul_size , maxiter=maxiter , max_francis_steps=max_francis_step , perfect_shift=perfect_shift )
call comp_ginv( mat(:m,:n) , failure ,                tol=tol , singvalues=singvalues(:min(m,n)) , krank=krank , mul_size=mul_size , maxiter=maxiter , max_francis_steps=max_francis_step , perfect_shift=perfect_shift )





gen_bd_mat() generates different types of bidiagonal matrices with known singular values or specific numerical properties such as clustered singular values for testing purposes of singular value decomposition bidiagonal solvers.

Optionally, the singular values of the selected bidiagonal matrix can be computed analytically, if possible, or by a bisection algorithm with high absolute and relative accuracies.


call gen_bd_mat( type , d(:n) , e(:n) , failure=failure , known_singval=known_singval , from_tridiag=from_tridiag , singval=singval(:n) , sort=sort , val1=val1 , val2=val2 , l0=l0 , glu0=glu0 )