Release:Version 2.3
Date:Mar 18, 2024

Release:Version 2.2
Date:Apr 27, 2022

Updated June 29, 2022 to correct for:

  1. deficiencies in new versions (from version 21.4.0) of the Intel ifort fortran compiler related to the evaluation of IF clauses in OpenMP directives. The updates concern only small changes in the SVD_Procedures and LLSQ_Procedures modules;
  2. bug corrections in the Random and EIG_Procedures modules. The bug corrections concern the gen_random_sym_mat() subroutine in the Random module (its optional argument eigvec) and the symtrid_cmp2() subroutine in the EIG_Procedures module when BLAS support is activated (the first dimension of the vmat array argument in the calls to the gemm() BLAS routine in symtrid_cmp2() was not correctly specified);
  3. the specifications of the default values of some parameters in the Select_Parameters module (e.g., the max_num_threads_symtrid_cmp, max_num_threads_symtrid_cmp2, max_num_threads_bd_cmp and max_num_threads_bd_cmp2 parameters have now a default value of 128).

Release:Version 2.1
Date:Feb 12, 2021

Updated June 07, 2021 to correct for deficiencies in new versions of the PGI fortran compiler related to the managing of (internal) memory. The updates concern only small changes in the SVD_Procedures and LLSQ_Procedures modules and the STATPACK testing programs in the tests directory.

Updated Dec 20, 2021 for bug corrections. The bug corrections concern only a small change for the lq_cmp() subroutine in the QR_Procedures module when used in a multi-threaded environment.

Release:Version 2.0
Date:Dec 3, 2018

First open source release

Updated Sep 23, 2020 for bug corrections

Updated Dec 20, 2021 for bug corrections. The bug corrections concern only a small change for the lq_cmp() subroutine in the QR_Procedures module when used in a multi-threaded environment.

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