MODULE SVD_Procedures¶
Module SVD_Procedures exports a large set of routines for computing the full or partial Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), the full or partial QLP Decomposition and the generalized inverse of a matrix and related computations (e.g., bidiagonal reduction of a general matrix, bidiagonal SVD solvers, …) [Lawson_Hanson:1974] [Golub_VanLoan:1996] [Stewart:1999b].
Fast methods for obtaining approximations of a truncated SVD or QLP decomposition of rectangular matrices or EigenValue Decomposition (EVD) of symmetric positive semi-definite matrices based on randomization algorithms are also included [Halko_etal:2011] [Martinsson:2019] [Xiao_etal:2017] [Feng_etal:2019] [Duersch_Gu:2020] [Wu_Xiang:2020].
A general rectangular m
matrix MAT
has a SVD into the product of a m
matrix U
(e.g., ), a min(m,n)
diagonal matrix of singular values S
and the transpose of a n
orthogonal matrix V
(e.g., ),
The singular values are all non-negative and can be chosen to form a non-increasing sequence,
Note that the driver routines in the SVD_Procedures module compute the thin version of the SVD with U
and V
as m
and n
matrices with orthonormal columns, respectively. This reduces the needed workspace or allows
in-place computations and is the most commonly-used SVD form in practice.
Mathematically, the full SVD is defined with U
as a m
orthogonal matrix,
a a n
orthogonal matrix and S
as a m
diagonal matrix (with additional rows or columns of zeros).
This full SVD can also be computed with the help of the computational routines included in the SVD_Procedures module at the user option.
The SVD of a matrix has many practical uses [Lawson_Hanson:1974] [Golub_VanLoan:1996] [Hansen_etal:2012]. The condition number of the matrix
(induced by the vector Euclidean norm), if not infinite, is given by the ratio of the largest singular value to the smallest singular value [Golub_VanLoan:1996]
and the presence of a zero singular value indicates that the matrix is singular and that this condition number is infinite.
The number of non-zero singular values indicates the rank of the matrix. In practice, the SVD of a rank-deficient matrix
will not produce exact zeroes for singular values, due to finite numerical precision. Small singular values should be set to zero explicitly
by choosing a suitable tolerance and this is the strategy followed for computing the generalized (e.g., Moore-Penrose) inverse
+ of a matrix or for solving rank-deficient linear least squares problems with the SVD [Golub_VanLoan:1996] [Hansen_etal:2012].
See the documentations of comp_ginv()
subroutine in this module or of llsq_svd_solve()
subroutine in
LLSQ_Procedures module for more details.
For a rank-deficient matrix, the null space of MAT
is given by the span of the columns of V
to the zero singular values in the full SVD of MAT
. Similarly, the range of MAT
is given by the span of the columns of U
corresponding to the non-zero singular values.
See [Lawson_Hanson:1974], [Golub_VanLoan:1996] or [Hansen_etal:2012] for more details on these various results related to the SVD of a matrix.
For very large matrices, the classical SVD algorithms are prohibitively computationally expensive. In such cases, the QLP decomposition provides a reasonable and cheap estimate of the SVD of a matrix, especially when this matrix has a low rank or a significant gap in its singular values spectrum [Stewart:1999b] [Huckaby_Chan:2003] [Huckaby_Chan:2005]. The full or partial QLP decomposition has the form:
where Q
and P
are m
and n
matrices with orthonormal columns (and k
and L
is a k
lower triangular matrix. If k
, the QLP factorization is complete and
The QLP factorization can obtained by a two-step algorithm:
- first, a partial (or complete) QR factorization with Column Pivoting (QRCP) of
is computed; - in a second step, a LQ (or LQRP) decomposition of the (permuted) upper triangular or trapezoidal (e.g., if
) factor,R
, of this QR decomposition is computed.
See the manual of the QR_Procedures module for an introduction to the QRCP and LQ factorizations. In many cases,
the diagonal elements of L
track the singular values (in non-increasing order) of MAT
with a reasonable accuracy [Stewart:1999b]
[Huckaby_Chan:2003] [Huckaby_Chan:2005]. This property and the fact that the QRCP and LQ factorizations can be interleaved and stopped at any point
where there is a gap in the diagonal elements of L
make the QLP decomposition a reasonable candidate to determine the rank of a matrix or
to obtain a good low-rank approximation of a matrix [Stewart:1999b] [Huckaby_Chan:2003].
As intermediate steps for computing the SVD or for obtaining an accurate partial SVD at a much reduced cost, this module also provides routines for
the transformation of
to bidiagonal formBD
by similarity transformations [Lawson_Hanson:1974] [Golub_VanLoan:1996],where
are orthogonal matrices andBD
is amin(m,n)
upper or lower bidiagonal matrix (e.g., with non-zero entries only on the diagonal and superdiagonal or on the diagonal and subdiagonal). The shape ofQ
and the shape ofP
.the computation of the singular values , left singular vectors and right singular vectors of
is amin(m,n)
diagonal matrix with ,W
is themin(m,n)
matrix of left singular vectors ofBD
is themin(m,n)
matrix of right singular vectors ofBD
stored column-wise;the back-transformation of the singular vectors and of
to the singular vectors and ofMAT
is them
matrix of the left singular vectors ofMAT
is then
matrix of the right singular vectors ofMAT
(both stored column-wise) and the singular values ofBD
are also the singular values ofMAT
Depending on the situation and the algorithm used, it is also possible to compute only the largest singular values and
associated singular vectors of BD
In what follows, we give some important details about algorithms used in STATPACK for these different intermediate steps.
First, STATPACK includes two different algorithms for the reduction of a matrix to bidiagonal form:
- a cache-efficient blocked and parallel version of the classic Golub and Kahan Householder bidiagonalization, which reduces the traffic on the data bus from four reads and two writes per column-row elimination of the bidiagonalization process to one read and one write [Howell_etal:2008];
- a blocked (e.g., “BLAS3”) and parallel version of the one-sided Ralha-Barlow bidiagonal reduction algorithm [Ralha:2003] [Barlow_etal:2005] [Bosner_Barlow:2007] ,
with an eventual partial reorthogonalization based on Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization [Stewart:2007]. This algorithm requires that
and whenm
it is applied toMAT
T instead. It is significantly faster in most cases than the first one as the input matrix is only accessed column-wise (e.g., it is an one-sided algorithm), but is less accurate for the left orthonormal vectors stored column-wise inQ
as these vectors are computed by a recurrence relationship, which can result in a loss of orthogonality for some matrices with a large condition number [Ralha:2003] [Barlow_etal:2005] [Bosner_Barlow:2007]. A partial reorthogonalization procedure based on Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization [Stewart:2007] has been incorporated into the algorithm in order to correct partially this loss of orthogonality, but is not always sufficient, especially for (large) matrices with a slow decay of singular values near zero. Thus, the loss of orthogonality ofQ
can be severe for these particular matrices. Fortunately, when the one-sided Ralha-Barlow bidiagonal reduction algorithm is used for computing the SVD, the loss of orthogonality concerns only the left singular vectors associated with the smallest singular values [Barlow_etal:2005]. Furthermore, this deficiency can also be easily corrected a posteriori if needed, giving fully accurate and fast SVDs for any matrix (see the manuals of thesvd_cmp4()
SVD drivers in this module, which incorporate such a modification, for details).
The first bidiagonalization reduction algorithm is implemented in bd_cmp()
subroutine and the one-sided Ralha-Barlow bidiagonal reduction algorithm is
implemented with partial reorthogonalization in bd_cmp2()
subroutine and without partial reorthogonalization in bd_cmp3()
subroutine. Thus,
will be significantly faster than bd_cmp2()
for low-rank deficient matrices, but a drawback is that Q
is not output by bd_cmp3()
as this matrix will not be numerically orthogonal in some difficult cases. Among the six general SVD drivers available in STATPACK:
subroutine for the reduction to bidiagonal form of a matrix;svd_cmp3()
, e.g., the one-sided Ralha-Barlow bidiagonal reduction algorithm with partial reorthogonalization for this task;- and, finally,
, e.g., the one-sided Ralha-Barlow bidiagonal reduction algorithm without partial reorthogonalization and a final additional step is required in these SVD drivers to recover all the factors in the SVD of a matrix.
Blocked (e.g., “BLAS3”) and parallel routines are also provided for generation and application of the orthogonal matrices, Q
and P
with the bidiagonalization process in both cases [Dongarra_etal:1989] [Golub_VanLoan:1996] [Walker:1988]. See the manuals of ortho_gen_bd()
, ortho_gen_q_bd()
and ortho_gen_p_bd()
subroutines for details.
Currently, STATPACK also includes three different algorithms for computing (selected) singular values and vectors of a bidiagonal matrix BD
- implicit QR bidiagonal iteration [Lawson_Hanson:1974] [Golub_VanLoan:1996];
- bisection-inverse iteration on the Tridiagonal Golub-Kahan (TGK) form of a bidiagonal matrix [Godunov_etal:1993] [Ipsen:1997] [Dhillon:1998] [Marques_Vasconcelos:2017] [Marques_etal:2020];
- and a novel bisection-deflation perfect shift technique applied directly to the bidiagonal matrix
based on the works of Godunov and coworkers on deflation for tridiagonal matrices [Godunov_etal:1993] [Fernando:1997] and [Malyshev:2000].
The implicit QR bidiagonal algorithm applies a sequence of similarity transformations to the bidiagonal matrix BD
until its off-diagonal elements become
negligible and the diagonal elements have converged to the singular values of BD
. It consists of a bulge-chasing procedure that implicitly includes
shifts and use plane rotations (e.g., Givens rotations) which preserve the bidiagonal form of BD
[Lawson_Hanson:1974] [Golub_VanLoan:1996].
High performance in this implicit QR bidiagonal algorithm is obtained in STATPACK by:
- restructuring the QR bidiagonal iterations with a wave-front algorithm for the accumulation of Givens rotations [VanZee_etal:2011];
- the use of a blocked “BLAS3” algorithm to update the singular vectors by these Givens rotations when possible [Lang:1998];
- the use of a novel perfect shift strategy in the QR iterations inspired by the works of [Godunov_etal:1993] [Malyshev:2000] and [Fernando:1997] which reduces significantly the number of QR iterations needed for convergence for many matrices;
- and, finally, OpenMP parallelization [Demmel_etal:1993].
With all these changes, the QR bidiagonal algorithm becomes competitive with the divide-and-conquer method for computing the full or thin SVD of
a matrix [VanZee_etal:2011]. Subroutines bd_svd()
and bd_svd2()
in this module use this efficient implicit QR bidiagonal algorithm.
However, a drawback is that subset computations are not possible with the QR bidiagonal algorithm [Marques_etal:2020]. With this method, it
is possible to compute all the singular values or both all the singular values and associated singular vectors.
The bisection-inverse iteration or bisection-deflation methods are the preferred methods if you are only interested in a subset of the singular
vectors and values of a bidiagonal matrix BD
or a full matrix MAT
Bisection is a standard method for computing eigenvalues or singular values of a matrix [Golub_VanLoan:1996]. Bisection is based on Sturm sequences
and requires or operations to compute k
singular values of a min(n,m)
bidiagonal matrix BD
[Golub_VanLoan:1996] [Fernando:1998]. Two parallel bisection algorithms for bidiagonal matrices are currently
implemented in STATPACK:
- The first applies bisection to an associated
symmetric tridiagonal matrixT
with zeros on the diagonal (the so-called Tridiagonal Golub-Kahan form ofBD
) whose eigenvalues are the singular values ofBD
and their negatives [Fernando:1998] [Marques_etal:2020]. This approach is implemented inbd_singval()
subroutine; - The second applies bisection implicitly to the associated
symmetric tridiagonal matrixBD
(but without computing this matrix product) whose eigenvalues are the squares of the singular values ofBD
by using the differential stationary form of the QD algorithm of Rutishauser (see Sec.3.1 of [Fernando:1998]). This approach is implemented inbd_singval2()
If high relative accuracy for small singular values is required, the first algorithm based on the Tridiagonal Golub-Kahan (TGK) form of the
bidiagonal matrix is the best choice [Fernando:1998]. Both STATPACK bidiagonal bisection routines (e.g., bd_singval()
and bd_singval2()
) also allow
subset computations of the largest singular values of BD
Once singular values have been obtained by bisection (or implicit QR bidiagonal iterations), associated singular vectors can be computed efficiently using:
- Fernando’s method and inverse iteration on the TGK form of the bidiagonal matrix
[Godunov_etal:1993] [Fernando:1997] [Bini_etal:2005] [Marques_Vasconcelos:2017] [Marques_etal:2020]. These singular vectors are then orthogonalized by the modified Gram-Schmidt or QR algorithms if the singular values are not well-separated. A “BLAS3” and parallelized QR algorithm is used for large clusters of singular values for increased efficiency; - a novel technique combining an extension to bidiagonal matrices of Fernando’s approach for computing eigenvectors of tridiagonal matrices
with a deflation procedure by Givens rotations originally developed by Godunov and collaborators [Fernando:1997] [Parlett_Dhillon:1997] [Malyshev:2000].
If this deflation technique failed, QR bidiagonal iterations with a perfect shift strategy are used instead as a back-up procedure [Mastronardi_etal:2006].
It is highly recommended to compute the singular values of the bidiagonal matrix
to high accuracy for the success of the deflation technique, meaning that this approach is less robust than the inverse iteration technique for computing selected singular vectors of a bidiagonal matrix.
If the distance between the singular values of BD
is sufficient relative to the norm of BD
, then computing the associated singular
vectors by inverse iteration or deflation is also a or process, where k
is the number of singular
vectors to compute. Thus, when all singular values are well separated and no orthogonalization is needed, the bisection-inverse iteration or
bisection-deflation methods are much faster than than the implicit QR bidiagonal algorithm for computing the thin SVD of a matrix.
Furthermore, as already discussed above, the bisection-inverse iteration or bisection-deflation methods are the preferred methods if you are only interested
in a subset of the singular vectors of the matrix BD
or MAT
, as subset computations are not possible in the standard implicit QR bidiagonal algorithm.
and bd_deflate()
subroutines implement, respectively, the inverse iteration and deflation methods for computing all or selected singular vectors
of bidiagonal matrices and bd_inviter2()
and bd_deflate2()
subroutines perform the same tasks, but for full matrices, once these full matrices have been
reduced to bidiagonal form and singular values have been computed. Note that these preliminary tasks can be done with the help of the select_singval_cmp()
, select_singval_cmp3()
and select_singval_cmp4()
subroutines also available in this module.
All above algorithms are parallelized with OpenMP [openmp]. Parallelism concerns only the computation of singular vectors in the implicit QR bidiagonal method, but both the computation of the singular values and singular vectors in the bisection-inverse iteration and bisection-deflation methods. Furthermore, the computation of singular vectors in the QR bidiagonal or inverse iteration methods also uses blocked “BLAS3” algorithms when possible for maximum efficiency [Lang:1998].
Note finally that the driver and computational routines provided in this module are very different from the corresponding implicit QR bidiagonal iteration and inverse iteration routines provided by LAPACK [Anderson_etal:1999] and are much faster if OpenMP and BLAS supports are activated, but slightly less accurate for the same precision in their default settings for a few cases.
In addition to these standard and deterministic SVD (or QLP) driver and computational routines based on QR bidiagonal, inverse or deflation iterations applied to bidiagonal matrices after a preliminary bidiagonal reduction step, module SVD_Procedures also includes an extensive set of very fast routines based on randomization techniques for solving the same problems with a much better efficiency (but a decreased accuracy).
For a good introduction to randomized linear algebra, see [Li_etal:2017], [Martinsson:2019] and [Erichson_etal:2019]. There are two classes of randomized low-rank approximation algorithms, sampling-based and random projection-based algorithms:
- Sampling algorithms use randomly selected columns or rows based on sampling probabilities derived from the original matrix in a first step, and a deterministic algorithm, such as SVD or EVD, is performed on the smaller subsampled matrix;
- the projection-based algorithms use the concept of random projections to project the high-dimensional space spanned by the columns of the matrix into a low-dimensional subspace, which approximates the dominant subspace of a matrix. The input matrix is then compressed-either explicitly or implicitly-to this subspace, and the reduced matrix is manipulated inexpensively by standard deterministic methods to obtain the desired low-rank factorization in a second step.
The randomized routines included in module SVD_Procedures are projection-based methods. In many cases, this approach beats largely its classical competitors in terms of speed [Halko_etal:2011] [Musco_Musco:2015] [Li_etal:2017]. Thus, these routines based on recent randomized projection algorithms are much faster than the standard drivers included in module SVD_Procedures or Eig_Procedures for computing a truncated SVD or EVD of a matrix. Yet, such randomized methods are also shown to compute with a very high probability low-rank approximations that are accurate, and are known to perform even better in many practical situations when the singular values of the input matrix decay quickly [Halko_etal:2011] [Gu:2015] [Li_etal:2017].
More precisely, module SVD_Procedures includes routines based on randomization for computing:
- approximations of the largest singular values and associated left and right singular vectors of full general matrices using randomized power, subspace or block Krylov iterations [Halko_etal:2011] [Gu:2015] [Musco_Musco:2015] [Li_etal:2017] or randomized QRCP and QLP factorizations [Duersch_Gu:2017] [Xiao_etal:2017] [Feng_etal:2019] [Duersch_Gu:2020] in order to extract the dominant subspace of a matrix;
- approximations of the largest eigenvalues and associated eigenvectors of full symmetric positive semi-definite matrices using randomized power, subspace or block Krylov iterations or the Nystrom method [Halko_etal:2011] [Musco_Musco:2015] [Li_etal:2017]. The Nystrom method provides more accurate results for positive semi-definite matrices;
- and, finally, randomized partial QLP factorizations, which are also much faster than their deterministic counterparts [Wu_Xiang:2020];
Usually, the problem of low-rank matrix approximation falls into two categories:
the fixed-rank problem, where the rank
of the matrix approximation which is sought is given;the fixed-precision problem, where we seek a partial SVD factorization,
, with a rank as small as possible, such thatwhere
is a given accuracy tolerance.
Module SVD_Procedures includes four (randomized) routines for solving the fixed-rank problem: rqr_svd_cmp()
, rsvd_cmp()
and rqlp_svd_cmp2()
and three (randomized) routines for solving the fixed-precision problem: rqr_svd_cmp_fixed_precision()
, rqlp_svd_cmp_fixed_precision()
and rqr_svd_cmp_fixed_precision()
are based on a (randomized or deterministic) partial QRCP factorization followed by a SVD
step [Xiao_etal:2017]. rsvd_cmp()
and rsvd_cmp_fixed_precision()
are based on randomized power, subspace or block Krylov iterations followed
by a SVD step [Musco_Musco:2015] [Li_etal:2017] [Martinsson_Voronin:2016] [Yu_etal:2018] and, finally, rqlp_svd_cmp()
, rqlp_svd_cmp2()
and rqlp_svd_cmp_fixed_precision()
are based on a (randomized or deterministic) partial QLP factorization followed by a SVD step [Duersch_Gu:2017]
[Feng_etal:2019] [Duersch_Gu:2020].
The choice between these different subroutines involves tradeoffs between speed and accuracy. For both the fixed-rank and fixed-precision problems,
the routines based on a preliminary partial QRCP factorization are the fastest and the less accurate, and those based on a partial QLP factorization
are the most accurate, but the slowest. On the other hand, routines based on randomized power, subspace or block Krylov iterations provide intermediate
performances both in terms of accuracy and speed in most cases. Keep also in mind, that if you already know the rank of the matrix approximation you are
looking for, routines dedicated to solve the fixed-rank problem (.e.g., rqr_svd_cmp()
, rsvd_cmp()
, rqlp_svd_cmp()
) are faster and more accurate than their twin routines dedicated to solve the fixed-precision problem.
Module SVD_Procedures also includes a subroutine, reig_pos_cmp()
, for computing approximations of the largest eigenvalues and
associated eigenvectors of a full n
real symmetric positive semi-definite matrix MAT
using a variety of randomized techniques and,
also, three subroutines, qlp_cmp()
, qlp_cmp2()
and rqlp_cmp()
, for computing randomized (or deterministic) full or partial QLP factorizations,
which can also be used to solve the fixed-rank problem [Stewart:1999b].
All these randomized SVD or QLP algorithms are also parallelized with OpenMP [openmp].
Finally, note that the routines provided in this module apply only to real data of kind stnd. The real kind type stnd is defined in module Select_Parameters. Computation of singular values and vectors for a complex matrix are not provided in this release of STATPACK.
In order to use one of these routines, you must include an appropriate use SVD_Procedures
or use Statpack
in your Fortran program, like:
use SVD_Procedures, only: svd_cmp
or :
use Statpack, only: svd_cmp
Here is the list of the public routines exported by module SVD_Procedures:
bd_cmp() reduces a general m
matrix MAT
to upper or lower bidiagonal form BD
by an orthogonal transformation:
where Q
and P
are orthogonal matrices. If:
is upper bidiagonal;m
is lower bidiagonal.
bd_cmp() computes BD
, Q
and P
, using an efficient variant of the classic Golub and Kahan Householder
bidiagonalization algorithm [Howell_etal:2008].
Optionally, bd_cmp() can also reduce a general m
matrix MAT
to upper bidiagonal form
by a two-step algorithm:
, a QR factorization of the realm
is first computedwhere
is orthogonal andR
is upper triangular. In a second step, then
upper triangular matrixR
is reduced to upper bidiagonal formBD
by an orthogonal transformation:where
are orthogonal andBD
is an upper bidiagonal matrix.If
, a LQ factorization of the realm
is first computedwhere
is orthogonal andL
is lower triangular. In a second step, them
lower triangular matrixL
is reduced to upper bidiagonal formBD
by an orthogonal transformation :where
are orthogonal andBD
is an upper bidiagonal matrix.
This two-step reduction algorithm will be more efficient if m
is much larger than n
or if n
is much larger than m
These two different reduction algorithms of MAT
to bidiagonal form BD
are also parallelized with OpenMP.
call bd_cmp( mat(:m,:n) , d(:min(m,n)) , e(:min(m,n)) , tauq(:min(m,n)) , taup(:min(m,n)) ) call bd_cmp( mat(:m,:n) , d(:min(m,n)) , e(:min(m,n)) , tauq(:min(m,n)) ) call bd_cmp( mat(:m,:n) , d(:min(m,n)) , e(:min(m,n)) ) call bd_cmp( mat(:m,:n) , d(:min(m,n)) , e(:min(m,n)) , tauq(:min(m,n)) , taup(:min(m,n)), rlmat(:min(m,n),:min(m,n)) , tauo=tauo(:min(m,n)) )
bd_cmp2() reduces a m
matrix MAT
with m
>= n
to upper bidiagonal
form BD
by an orthogonal transformation:
where Q
and P
are orthogonal matrices.
bd_cmp2() computes BD
, Q
and P
using a parallel (if OpenMP support is activated) and blocked version
of the one-sided Ralha-Barlow bidiagonal reduction algorithm [Ralha:2003] [Barlow_etal:2005] [Bosner_Barlow:2007].
A partial reorthogonalization procedure based on Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization [Stewart:2007] has been incorporated to bd_cmp2() in order
to correct partially the loss of orthogonality of Q
in the one-sided Ralha-Barlow bidiagonal reduction algorithm [Barlow_etal:2005].
bd_cmp2() is more efficient than bd_cmp()
as it is an one-sided algorithm, but is less accurate for the computation of the
orthogonal matrix Q
call bd_cmp2( mat(:m,:n) , d(:n) , e(:n) , p(:n,:n), failure=failure , gen_p=gen_p ) call bd_cmp2( mat(:m,:n) , d(:n) , e(:n) , failure=failure )
bd_cmp3() reduces a m
matrix MAT
with m
>= n
to upper bidiagonal
form BD
by an orthogonal transformation:
where Q
and P
are orthogonal.
bd_cmp3() computes BD
and P
using a parallel (if OpenMP support is activated) and blocked version
of the one-sided Ralha-Barlow bidiagonal reduction algorithm [Ralha:2003] [Barlow_etal:2005] [Bosner_Barlow:2007].
bd_cmp3() is faster than bd_cmp2()
, if the Q
orthogonal matrix is not needed, especially for matrices with a
low rank compared to its dimensions as partial reorthogonalization of Q
is not performed in bd_cmp3().
call bd_cmp3( mat(:m,:n) , d(:n) , e(:n) , gen_p=gen_p , failure=failure )
ortho_gen_bd() generates the real orthogonal matrices Q
and P
determined by bd_cmp()
when reducing a m
real matrix MAT
to bidiagonal form:
and P
are defined as products of elementary reflectors H(i)
and G(i)
respectively, as computed by bd_cmp()
and stored in its array arguments MAT, TAUQ and TAUP.
If m
>= n
- and ortho_gen_bd() returns the first
columns ofQ
in MAT; - and ortho_gen_bd() returns
as ann
matrix in P.
If m
< n
- and ortho_gen_bd() returns
as anm
matrix in MAT(1:m,1:m); - and ortho_gen_bd() returns the first
columns ofP
, in P.
The generation of the real orthogonal matrices Q
and P
is blocked and parallelized with OpenMP [Walker:1988].
call ortho_gen_bd( mat(:m,:n) , tauq(:min(m,n)) , taup(:min(m,n)) , p(:n,:min(m,n)) )
ortho_gen_bd2() generates the real orthogonal matrices Q
and P
T determined by bd_cmp()
when reducing a m
real matrix MAT
to bidiagonal form:
and P
T are defined as products of elementary reflectors H(i)
and G(i)
respectively, as computed by bd_cmp()
and stored in its array arguments MAT, TAUQ and TAUP.
If m
>= n
- and ortho_gen_bd2() returns the first
columns ofQ
in MAT; - and ortho_gen_bd2() returns
T as an
matrix in Q_PT.
If m
< n
- and ortho_gen_bd2() returns
as am
matrix in Q_PT; - and ortho_gen_bd2() returns the first
rows ofP
T, in MAT.
The generation of the real orthogonal matrices Q
and P
T is blocked and parallelized with OpenMP [Walker:1988].
call ortho_gen_bd2( mat(:m,:n) , tauq(:min(m,n)) , taup(:min(m,n)) , q_pt(:min(m,n),:min(m,n)) )
ortho_gen_q_bd() generate the real orthogonal matrix Q
determined by bd_cmp()
when reducing a m
real matrix MAT
to bidiagonal form:
is defined as products of elementary reflectors H(i)
as computed by bd_cmp()
and stored in its array arguments MAT and TAUQ.
If m
>= n
- and ortho_gen_q_bd() returns the first
columns ofQ
in MAT;
If m
< n
- and ortho_gen_q_bd() returns
as am
matrix in MAT(1:m,1:m);
The generation of the real orthogonal matrix Q
is blocked and parallelized with OpenMP [Walker:1988].
call ortho_gen_q_bd( mat(:m,:n) , tauq(:min(m,n)) )
ortho_gen_p_bd() generate the real orthogonal matrix P
determined by bd_cmp()
when reducing a m
real matrix MAT
to bidiagonal form:
is defined as products of elementary reflectors G(i)
determined by bd_cmp()
and stored in its array arguments MAT and TAUP.
If m
>= n
- and ortho_gen_p_bd() returns
as an
matrix in P.
If m
< n
- and ortho_gen_p_bd() returns the first
columns ofP
, in P.
The generation of the real orthogonal matrix P
is blocked and parallelized with OpenMP [Walker:1988].
call ortho_gen_p_bd( mat(:m,:n) , taup(:min(m,n)) , p(:n,:min(m,n)) )
apply_q_bd() overwrites the general real m
matrix C
- if LEFT =
and TRANS =false
; - if LEFT =
and TRANS =true
; - if LEFT =
and TRANS =false
; - if LEFT =
and TRANS =true
Here Q
is the orthogonal matrix determined by bd_cmp()
when reducing
a real matrix MAT
to bidiagonal form:
and Q
is defined as products of elementary reflectors H(i)
Let nq = m
if LEFT = true
and nq = n
if LEFT = false
. Thus, nq
is the
order of the orthogonal matrix Q
that is applied. MAT
is assumed to
have been a nq
matrix and
, ifnq >= k
, ifnq < k
The application of the real orthogonal matrix Q
to the matrix C
is blocked and parallelized with OpenMP [Walker:1988].
call apply_q_bd( mat(:m,:n) , tauq(:min(m,n)) , c(:,:) , left , trans )
apply_p_bd() overwrites the general real m
matrix C
- if LEFT =
and TRANS =false
;- if LEFT =
and TRANS =true
;- if LEFT =
and TRANS =false
;- if LEFT =
and TRANS =true
Here P
is the orthogonal matrix determined by bd_cmp()
when reducing
a real matrix MAT
to bidiagonal form:
and P
is defined as products of elementary reflectors G(i)
Let np = m
if LEFT = true
and np = n
if LEFT = false
. Thus, np
is the
order of the orthogonal matrix P
that is applied. MAT
is assumed to
have been a k
matrix and
, ifk < np
, ifk >= np
The application of the real orthogonal matrix P
to the matrix C
is blocked and parallelized with OpenMP [Walker:1988].
call apply_p_bd( mat(:m,:n) , taup(:min(m,n)) , c(:,:) , left , trans )
bd_svd() computes the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of a real
(upper or lower) bidiagonal matrix B
where S
is a diagonal matrix with non-negative diagonal
elements (the singular values of B
), and, Q
and P
orthogonal matrices (P
T denotes the transpose of P
The routine computes S
, U
* Q
, and V
* P
, for given real input
matrices U
, V
, using the implicit bidiagonal QR method [Lawson_Hanson:1974] [Golub_VanLoan:1996].
call bd_svd( upper , d(:n) , e(:n) , failure , u(:,:n) , v(:,:n) , sort=sort , maxiter=maxiter , max_francis_steps=max_francis_steps , perfect_shift=perfect_shift , bisect=bisect ) call bd_svd( upper , d(:n) , e(:n) , failure , u(:,:n) , sort=sort , maxiter=maxiter , max_francis_steps=max_francis_steps , perfect_shift=perfect_shift , bisect=bisect ) call bd_svd( upper , d(:n) , e(:n) , failure , sort=sort , maxiter=maxiter )
bd_svd2() computes the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of a real
(upper or lower) bidiagonal matrix B
where S
is a diagonal matrix with non-negative diagonal
elements (the singular values of B
), and, Q
and P
orthogonal matrices (P
T denotes the transpose of P
The routine computes S
, U
* Q
, and P
T * VT
for given real input matrices U
, VT
, using the implicit bidiagonal QR method [Lawson_Hanson:1974] [Golub_VanLoan:1996].
call bd_svd2( upper , d(:n) , e(:n) , failure , u(:,:n) , vt(:n,:) , sort=sort , maxiter=maxiter , max_francis_steps=max_francis_steps , perfect_shift=perfect_shift , bisect=bisect ) call bd_svd2( upper , d(:n) , e(:n) , failure , u(:,:n) , sort=sort , maxiter=maxiter , max_francis_steps=max_francis_steps , perfect_shift=perfect_shift , bisect=bisect ) call bd_svd2( upper , d(:n) , e(:n) , failure , sort=sort , maxiter=maxiter )
bd_singval() computes all or some of the greatest singular values of a real n
(upper or lower) bidiagonal matrix B
by a bisection algorithm.
The Singular Value Decomposition of B
where S
is a diagonal matrix with non-negative diagonal elements (the singular
values of B
), and, Q
and P
are orthogonal matrices (P
T denotes the transpose of P
The singular values S
of the bidiagonal matrix B
are computed by a bisection algorithm applied to
the Tridiagonal Golub-Kahan (TGK) form of the bidiagonal matrix B
(see [Fernando:1998]; Sec.3.3 ).
The singular values can be computed with high relative accuracy, at the user option, by using the optional
argument ABSTOL with the value sqrt(lamch("S"))
(which is equal to the public numerical constant safmin
exported by
the Num_Constants module).
call bd_singval( d(:n) , e(:n) , nsing , s(:n) , failure , sort=sort , vector=vector , abstol=abstol , ls=ls , theta=theta , scaling=scaling , init=init )
bd_singval2() computes all or some of the greatest singular values of a real n
(upper or lower) bidiagonal matrix B
by a bisection algorithm.
The Singular Value Decomposition of B
where S
is a diagonal matrix with non-negative diagonal elements (the singular
values of B
), and, Q
and P
are orthogonal matrices (P
T denotes the transpose of P
The singular values S
of the bidiagonal matrix B
are computed by a bisection algorithm (see [Golub_VanLoan:1996]; Sec.8.5 ).
The bisection method is applied (implicitly) to the associated n
symmetric tridiagonal matrix
whose eigenvalues are the squares of the singular values of B
by using the differential stationary
form of the qd algorithm of Rutishauser (see [Fernando:1998]; Sec.3.1 ).
The singular values can be computed with high accuracy, at the user option, by using the optional
argument ABSTOL with the value sqrt(lamch("S"))
(which is equal to the constant safmin
in the
Num_Constants module).
call bd_singval2( d(:n) , e(:n) , nsing , s(:n) , failure , sort=sort , vector=vector , abstol=abstol , ls=ls , theta=theta , scaling=scaling , init=init )
bd_max_singval() computes the greatest singular value of a real n
(upper or lower) bidiagonal matrix B
by a bisection algorithm.
The Singular Value Decomposition of B
where S
is a diagonal matrix with non-negative diagonal elements (the singular
values of B
), and, Q
and P
are orthogonal matrices (P
T denotes the transpose of P
The greatest singular value of the bidiagonal matrix B
is computed by a bisection algorithm (see [Golub_VanLoan:1996]; Sec.8.5 ).
The bisection method is applied (implicitly) to the associated n
symmetric tridiagonal matrix
whose eigenvalues are the squares of the singular values of B
by using the differential stationary
form of the qd algorithm of Rutishauser (see [Fernando:1998]; Sec.3.1 ).
The greatest singular value can be computed with high accuracy, at the user option, by using the optional
argument ABSTOL with the value sqrt(lamch("S"))
(which is equal to the constant safmin
in the
Num_Constants module).
call bd_max_singval( d(:n) , e(:n) , nsing , s(:n) , failure , abstol=abstol , scaling=scaling )
svd_cmp() computes the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of a real
matrix MAT
. The SVD is written:
where S
is a m
matrix which is zero except for its
diagonal elements, U
is a m
orthogonal matrix, and
is a n
orthogonal matrix. The diagonal elements of S
are the singular values of MAT
; they are real and non-negative.
The columns of U
and V
are, respectively, the left and right singular vectors of MAT
svd_cmp() computes only the first min(m,n)
columns of U
and V
(e.g., the left
and right singular vectors of MAT
in the thin SVD of MAT
The routine returns the min(m,n)
singular values and the associated left and right singular vectors.
The singulars vectors are returned column-wise in all cases.
call svd_cmp( mat(:m,:n) , s(:min(m,n)) , failure , v(:n,:min(m,n)) , sort=sort , mul_size=mul_size , maxiter=maxiter , max_francis_steps=max_francis_steps , perfect_shift=perfect_shift , bisect=bisect , use_svd2=use_svd2 ) call svd_cmp( mat(:m,:n) , s(:min(m,n)) , failure , sort=sort , mul_size=mul_size , maxiter=maxiter , bisect=bisect , d=d(:min(m,n)) , e=e(:min(m,n)) , tauq=tauq(:min(m,n)) , taup=taup(:min(m,n)) )
svd_cmp2() computes the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of a real
matrix MAT
. The SVD is written:
where S
is a m
matrix which is zero except for its
diagonal elements, U
is a m
orthogonal matrix, and
is a n
orthogonal matrix. The diagonal elements of S
are the singular values of MAT
; they are real and non-negative.
The columns of U
and V
are, respectively, the left and right singular vectors of MAT
svd_cmp2() computes only the first min(m,n)
columns of U
and V
(e.g., the left
and right singular vectors of MAT
in the thin SVD of MAT
). The left singular vectors are
returned column-wise and the right singular vectors are returned row-wise in all cases.
This routine uses the same output formats for the SVD factors than the LAPACK SVD routines [Anderson_etal:1999], but
is slightly slower than svd_cmp()
. Otherwise, the same algorithms are used in svd_cmp2() and svd_cmp()
call svd_cmp2( mat(:m,:n) , s(:min(m,n)) , failure , u_vt(:min(m,n),:min(m,n)) , sort=sort , mul_size=mul_size , maxiter=maxiter , max_francis_steps=max_francis_steps , perfect_shift=perfect_shift , bisect=bisect , use_svd2=use_svd2 ) call svd_cmp2( mat(:m,:n) , s(:min(m,n)) , failure , sort=sort , mul_size=mul_size , maxiter=maxiter , bisect=bisect , d=d(:min(m,n)) , e=e(:min(m,n)) , tauq=tauq(:min(m,n)) , taup=taup(:min(m,n)) )
svd_cmp3() computes the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of a real
matrix MAT
. The SVD is written:
where S
is a m
matrix which is zero except for its
diagonal elements, U
is a m
orthogonal matrix, and
is a n
orthogonal matrix. The diagonal elements of S
are the singular values of MAT
; they are real and non-negative.
The columns of U
and V
are, respectively, the left and right
singular vectors of MAT
The routine returns the first min(m,n)
singular values and the associated
left and right singular vectors corresponding to a thin SVD of MAT
The left singular vectors are returned column-wise in all cases and
the right singular vectors are returned row-wise if m<n
This routine is usually significantly faster than svd_cmp()
or svd_cmp2()
because of
the use of the Ralha-Barlow one-sided algorithm in the bidiagonalization step
of the SVD [Barlow_etal:2005] [Bosner_Barlow:2007].
Note that for matrices with a very large condition number, svd_cmp3() may compute left (right if m
singular vectors which are not numerically orthogonal as these singular vectors are computed by a recurrence
relationship [Barlow_etal:2005]. A reothogonalization procedure has been implemented in svd_cmp3() (e.g. in bd_cmp2()
to correct partially this deficiency, but it is not always sufficient to obtain numerically orthogonal left (right if m
singular vectors, especially for matrices with a slow decay of singular values near zero.
However, this loss of orthogonality concerns only the left (right if m
singular vectors associated with the smallest singular values of MAT
[Barlow_etal:2005]. The largest singular vectors
of MAT
are always numerically orthogonal even if MAT
is singular or nearly singular.
call svd_cmp3( mat(:m,:n) , s(:min(m,n)) , failure , u_v(:min(m,n),:min(m,n)) , sort=sort , maxiter=maxiter , max_francis_steps=max_francis_steps , perfect_shift=perfect_shift , bisect=bisect , failure_bd=failure_bd ) call svd_cmp3( mat(:m,:n) , s(:min(m,n)) , failure , sort=sort , maxiter=maxiter , bisect=bisect , save_mat=save_mat , failure_bd=failure_bd )
svd_cmp4() computes the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of a real
matrix MAT
with m>=n
. The SVD is written:
where S
is a m
matrix which is zero except for its
diagonal elements, U
is a m
orthogonal matrix, and
is a n
orthogonal matrix. The diagonal elements of S
are the singular values of MAT
; they are real and non-negative.
The columns of U
and V
are, respectively, the left and right
singular vectors of MAT
The routine returns the first n
singular values and associated left and right singular vectors corresponding
to a thin SVD of MAT
. The left and right singular vectors are returned column-wise.
Optionally, if the logical argument SING_VEC is used with the value false
the routine computes only the singular values and the orthogonal matrices
and P
used to reduce MAT
to bidiagonal form BD
. This is useful
for computing a partial SVD of the matrix MAT
with subroutines
or bd_deflate2()
for example.
If the logical argument SING_VEC is not used or used with the value true
, the following four-step algorithm
is used to compute the thin SVD of MAT
is first reduced to bidiagonal form B
with the help of the fast Ralha-Barlow one-sided bidiagonalization
algorithm without reorthogonalization [Barlow_etal:2005] [Bosner_Barlow:2007].
In place accumulation of the right orthogonal transformations used in the reduction of MAT
to bidiagonal form B
is performed in a second step [Lawson_Hanson:1974] [Golub_VanLoan:1996].
The singular values and right singular vectors of B
(which are also those of MAT
are then computed by the implicit bidiagonal QR algorithm in a third step, see [Lawson_Hanson:1974] [Golub_VanLoan:1996] for details.
The left singular vectors of MAT
are finally computed by a matrix multiplication and an orthogonalization
step performed with the help of a fast QR factorization in order to correct for the possible deficiency of the Ralha-Barlow
one-sided bidiagonalization algorithm used in the first step if the condition number of MAT
is very large.
This routine is usually significantly faster than svd_cmp()
or svd_cmp2()
for computing the thin SVD of MAT
because of the use of the Ralha-Barlow one-sided bidiagonalization algorithm
without reorthogonalization in the first step [Barlow_etal:2005] [Bosner_Barlow:2007].
Note also that the numerical orthogonality of the left singular vectors computed by svd_cmp4() is not affected by
the magnitude of the condition number of MAT
as in svd_cmp3()
. In svd_cmp4()
, this deficiency is fully
corrected with the help of the (very fast) final recomputation and orthogonalization step of the left singular vectors (see
above), which does not degrade significantly the speed of the subroutine compared to svd_cmp3()
and also delivers
more accurate results than those obtained from this subroutine.
call svd_cmp4( mat(:m,:n) , s(:n) , failure , v(:n,:n) , sort=sort , maxiter=maxiter , max_francis_steps=max_francis_steps , perfect_shift=perfect_shift , bisect=bisect , sing_vec=sing_vec , gen_p=gen_p , failure_bd=failure_bd , d(:n), e(:n) ) call svd_cmp4( mat(:m,:n) , s(:n) , failure , sort=sort , maxiter=maxiter , bisect=bisect , save_mat=save_mat , failure_bd=failure_bd )
svd_cmp5() computes the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of a real
matrix MAT
. The SVD is written:
where S
is a m
matrix which is zero except for its
diagonal elements, U
is a m
orthogonal matrix, and
is a n
orthogonal matrix. The diagonal elements of S
are the singular values of MAT
; they are real and non-negative.
The columns of U
and V
are, respectively, the left and right
singular vectors of MAT
This routine returns the first min(m,n)
singular values and the associated
left and right singular vectors corresponding to a thin SVD of MAT
The left and right singular vectors are returned column-wise in all cases.
The following four-step algorithm is used to compute the thin SVD of MAT
(or its transpose ifm
) is first reduced to bidiagonal formB
with the help of the fast Ralha-Barlow one-sided bidiagonalization algorithm without reorthogonalization in a first step [Barlow_etal:2005] [Bosner_Barlow:2007].- In place accumulation of the right orthogonal transformations used in the reduction of
(or its transpose ifm
) to bidiagonal formB
is performed in a second step [Lawson_Hanson:1974] [Golub_VanLoan:1996]. - The singular values and right singular vectors of
(which are also those ofMAT
or its transpose) are then computed by the implicit bidiagonal QR algorithm in a third step, see [Lawson_Hanson:1974] [Golub_VanLoan:1996] for details. - The left (right if
) singular vectors ofMAT
are finally computed by a matrix multiplication and an orthogonalization step performed with the help of a fast QR factorization in order to correct for the possible deficiency of the Ralha-Barlow one-sided bidiagonalization algorithm used in the first step if the condition number ofMAT
is very large.
This routine is significantly faster than svd_cmp()
or svd_cmp2()
because of the use of the Ralha-Barlow one-sided bidiagonalization
algorithm without reorthogonalization in the first step of the SVD [Barlow_etal:2005] [Bosner_Barlow:2007]. It is also as fast (or even faster
for rank-deficient matrices because reorthogonalization is not performed in the first step above) and more accurate than svd_cmp3()
, which also uses
the Ralha-Barlow one-sided bidiagonalization algorithm.
Furthermore, svd_cmp5() always computes numerical orthogonal singular vectors thanks to the original modifications
of the Ralha-Barlow one-sided bidiagonalization algorithm described above. Finally, in contrast to svd_cmp4()
which uses a similar
four-step algorithm, both m>=n
and m<n
are permitted in svd_cmp5().
In summary, svd_cmp5() is one of the best deterministic SVD drivers available in STATPACK for computing the thin SVD of a matrix
both in terms of speed and accuracy. However, if you are interested only by the leading singular triplets in the SVD of MAT
the svd_cmp6()
driver described below is a better choice in term of speed as subset computations are possible with svd_cmp6()
but not with svd_cmp5().
call svd_cmp5( mat(:m,:n) , s(:min(m,n)) , failure , v(:n,:min(m,n)) , sort=sort , maxiter=maxiter , max_francis_steps=max_francis_steps , perfect_shift=perfect_shift , bisect=bisect , failure_bd=failure_bd ) call svd_cmp5( mat(:m,:n) , s(:min(m,n)) , failure , sort=sort , maxiter=maxiter , bisect=bisect , save_mat=save_mat , failure_bd=failure_bd )
svd_cmp6() computes a full or partial Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of a real
matrix MAT
. The full SVD is written:
where S
is a m
matrix which is zero except for its
diagonal elements, U
is a m
orthogonal matrix, and
is a n
orthogonal matrix. The diagonal elements of S
are the singular values of MAT
; they are real and non-negative.
The columns of U
and V
are, respectively, the left and right
singular vectors of MAT
This routine returns the first min(m,n)
singular values and the associated left and right
singular vectors corresponding to a thin SVD of MAT
or, alternatively, a truncated SVD of rank
if the optional integer parameter NSVD is used in the call to svd_cmp6().
The left and right singular vectors are returned column-wise in all cases.
The following four-step algorithm is used to compute the thin or truncated SVD of MAT
(or its transpose ifm
) is first reduced to bidiagonal formB
with the help of the fast Ralha-Barlow one-sided bidiagonalization algorithm without reorthogonalization in a first step [Barlow_etal:2005] [Bosner_Barlow:2007].- The singular values and right singular vectors of
are then computed by the bisection and inverse iteration methods applied toB
and the tridiagonal matrixB
T *B
, respectively, in a second step, see [Golub_VanLoan:1996] for details. - The right (left if
) singular vectors ofMAT
are then computed by a back-transformation algorithm from those ofB
in a third step, see [Lawson_Hanson:1974] [Golub_VanLoan:1996] for details. - Finally, the left (right if
) singular vectors ofMAT
are computed by a matrix multiplication and an orthogonalization step performed with the help of a fast QR factorization in order to correct for the possible deficiency of the Ralha-Barlow one-sided bidiagonalization algorithm used in the first step if the condition number ofMAT
is very large.
This routine is significantly faster than svd_cmp()
or svd_cmp2()
because of the use of the Ralha-Barlow one-sided bidiagonalization
algorithm without reorthogonalization in the first step [Barlow_etal:2005] [Bosner_Barlow:2007] and inverse iteration in the second
step [Golub_VanLoan:1996]. It is also as fast (or even faster for rank-deficient matrices because reorthogonalization is not performed in the first step
above) and more accurate than svd_cmp3()
, which also uses the Ralha-Barlow one-sided bidiagonalization algorithm. Furthermore, svd_cmp6() always computes
numerically orthogonal singular vectors (if inverse iteration in the second step succeeds) thanks to the original modifications of the Ralha-Barlow one-sided
bidiagonalization algorithm described above.
In summary, svd_cmp6() is one of the best deterministic SVD drivers available in STATPACK for computing the truncated SVD of a matrix both in terms of speed and accuracy.
However, if the thin SVD is wanted, svd_cmp4()
and svd_cmp5()
drivers described above are better choice in terms of accuracy as these routines
are using exactly the same algorithms in the first and last steps of the SVD, but implicit bidiagonal QR iterations for computing the right
(left if m
) singular vectors in the intermediate step of the SVD, which are more accurate than using inverse iterations on the
tridiagonal matrix B
T * B
as used here in svd_cmp6().
call svd_cmp6( mat(:m,:n) , s(:) , v(:) , failure , sort=sort , nsvd=nsvd , maxiter=maxiter , ortho=ortho , backward_sweep=backward_sweep , scaling=scaling , initvec=initvec , failure_bd=failure_bd , failure_bisect=failure_bisect )
rqr_svd_cmp() computes approximations of the nsvd
largest singular values and associated
left and right singular vectors of a full real m
matrix MAT
using a three-step
procedure, which can be termed a QR-SVD algorithm [Xiao_etal:2017]:
- first, a randomized (or deterministic) partial QR factorization with Column Pivoting (QRCP) of
is computed; - in a second step, a Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of the (permuted) upper triangular or trapezoidal (e.g., if
) factorR
in this QR decomposition is computed. The singular values and right singular vectors of this SVD ofR
are also estimates of the singular values and right singular vectors ofMAT
; - Estimates of the associated left singular vectors of
are then obtained by pre-multiplying the left singular ofR
by the orthogonal matrixQ
Q in the initial QR decomposition.
The routine returns these approximations of the first nsvd
singular values and the associated
left and right singular vectors corresponding to a partial SVD of MAT
. The singular vectors
are returned column-wise in all cases.
This routine is always significantly faster than the svd_cmp()
, svd_cmp2()
, svd_cmp3()
, svd_cmp4()
, svd_cmp6()
standard SVD drivers or the bd_inviter2()
inverse iteration and bd_deflate2()
drivers because of the use of a cheap QRCP in the first step of the algorithm [Xiao_etal:2017].
However, the computed nsvd
largest singular values and associated left and right singular vectors are only approximations of the
true largest singular values and vectors. The accuracy is less than in the randomized rsvd_cmp()
and rqlp_svd_cmp()
subroutines described below, but rqr_svd_cmp() is significantly faster than rsvd_cmp()
and rqlp_svd_cmp()
and is thus
well adapted if you need a fast, but rough, estimate of a truncated SVD of MAT
call rqr_svd_cmp( mat(:m,:n) , s(:nsvd) , failure , v(:n,:nsvd) , random_qr=random_qr , truncated_qr=truncated_qr , rng_alg=rng_alg , blk_size=blk_size , nover=nover , nover_svd=nover_svd , maxiter=maxiter , max_francis_steps=max_francis_steps , perfect_shift=perfect_shift , bisect=bisect )
rsvd_cmp() computes approximations of the nsvd
largest singular values and associated
left and right singular vectors of a full real m
matrix MAT
by (i) using
randomized power, subspace or block Krylov iterations in order to compute an orthonormal matrix
whose range approximates the range of MAT
, (ii) projecting MAT
onto this orthonormal basis
and, finally, (iii) computing the standard SVD of this matrix projection to estimate a truncated SVD of MAT
[Halko_etal:2011] [Musco_Musco:2015] [Martinsson:2019].
This routine is always significantly faster than the svd_cmp()
, svd_cmp2()
, svd_cmp3()
, svd_cmp4()
, svd_cmp6()
standard SVD drivers or the bd_inviter2()
inverse iteration and bd_deflate2()
drivers because of the use of very fast randomized algorithms in the first step [Halko_etal:2011] [Gu:2015] [Musco_Musco:2015] [Martinsson:2019].
However, the computed nsvd
largest singular values and associated left and right singular vectors are only approximations of the
true largest singular values and vectors.
The routine returns approximations to the first nsvd
singular values and the associated
left and right singular vectors corresponding to a partial SVD of MAT
. The singular vectors
are returned column-wise in all cases. The accuracy is greater than in the randomized rqr_svd_cmp()
subroutine described above,
but rsvd_cmp() is slower than rqr_svd_cmp()
call rsvd_cmp( mat(:m,:n) , s(:nsvd) , leftvec(:m,:nsvd) , rightvec(:n,:nsvd) , failure=failure , niter=niter , nover=nover , ortho=ortho , extd_samp=extd_samp , rng_alg=rng_alg , maxiter=maxiter , max_francis_steps=max_francis_steps , perfect_shift=perfect_shift , bisect=bisect )
rqlp_svd_cmp() computes approximations of the nsvd
largest singular values and associated
left and right singular vectors of a full real m
matrix MAT
using a four-step
procedure, which can be termed a QLP-SVD algorithm [Duersch_Gu:2017] [Feng_etal:2019] [Duersch_Gu:2020]:
- first, a randomized (or deterministic) partial QLP factorization of
is computed; - in a second step, the matrix product
T is computed and a number of QR-QL iterations are performed on it to improve the estimates of the principal row and columns subspaces ofMAT
; - in a third step, a Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of this matrix product
T is computed. The singular values and left singular vectors in this SVD are also estimates of the singular values and left singular vectors ofMAT
; - in a final step, estimates of the associated right singular vectors of
are then obtained by pre-multiplyingP
T by the right singular vectors in the SVD of this matrix product.
The routine returns accurate approximations to the first nsvd
singular values and the associated
left and right singular vectors corresponding to a partial SVD of MAT
. The singular vectors
are returned column-wise in all cases.
This routine is always significantly faster than the svd_cmp()
, svd_cmp2()
, svd_cmp3()
, svd_cmp4()
, svd_cmp6()
standard SVD drivers or the bd_inviter2()
inverse iteration and bd_deflate2()
drivers because of the use of a cheap QLP in the first step of the algorithm [Duersch_Gu:2017] [Feng_etal:2019] [Duersch_Gu:2020].
However, the computed nsvd
largest singular values and associated left and right singular vectors are only (very good) approximations of the
true largest singular values and vectors. The accuracy is always greater than in the randomized rqr_svd_cmp()
and rsvd_cmp()
subroutines described above, but rqlp_svd_cmp() is usually slower than rsvd_cmp()
and rqr_svd_cmp()
, and is more memory demanding.
call rqlp_svd_cmp( mat(:m,:n) , s(:nsvd) , leftvec(:m,:nsvd) , rightvec(:n,:nsvd) , failure , niter=niter , random_qr=random_qr , truncated_qr=truncated_qr , rng_alg=rng_alg , blk_size=blk_size , nover=nover , nover_svd=nover_svd , maxiter=maxiter , max_francis_steps=max_francis_steps , perfect_shift=perfect_shift , bisect=bisect )
rqlp_svd_cmp2() computes approximations of the nsvd
largest singular values and associated
left and right singular vectors of a full real m
matrix MAT
using a four-step
procedure, which can be termed a QLP-SVD algorithm [Mary_etal:2015] [Duersch_Gu:2017] [Feng_etal:2019] [Duersch_Gu:2020]:
- first, a very fast approximate and randomized partial QLP factorization of
is computed using results in [Mary_etal:2015]; - in a second step, the matrix product
T is computed and a number of QR-QL iterations are performed on it to improve the estimates of the principal row and columns subspaces ofMAT
; - in a third step, a Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of this matrix product
T is computed. The singular values and left singular vectors in this SVD are also estimates of the singular values and left singular vectors ofMAT
; - in a final step, estimates of the associated right singular vectors of
are then obtained by pre-multiplyingP
T by the right singular vectors in the SVD of this matrix product.
The routine returns accurate approximations to the first nsvd
singular values and the associated
left and right singular vectors corresponding to a partial SVD of MAT
. The singular vectors
are returned column-wise in all cases.
This routine is always significantly faster than the svd_cmp()
, svd_cmp2()
, svd_cmp3()
, svd_cmp4()
, svd_cmp6()
standard SVD drivers or the bd_inviter2()
inverse iteration and bd_deflate2()
drivers because of the use of a very cheap approximate QLP in the first step of the algorithm [Mary_etal:2015] [Duersch_Gu:2017] [Feng_etal:2019].
However, the computed nsvd
largest singular values and associated left and right singular vectors are only (very good) approximations of the
true largest singular values and vectors. The accuracy is always greater than in the randomized rqr_svd_cmp()
and rsvd_cmp()
subroutines described above and rqlp_svd_cmp2() can be as fast than rsvd_cmp()
Thanks to the very fast approximate and randomized partial QLP used in the first step, rqlp_svd_cmp2() is also significantly faster than rqlp_svd_cmp()
described above and is also less memory demanding, without degrading too much the accuracy of the results. Thus, rqlp_svd_cmp2() is one of the best randomized
SVD drivers available in STATPACK.
call rqlp_svd_cmp2( mat(:m,:n) , s(:nsvd) , leftvec(:m,:nsvd) , rightvec(:n,:nsvd) , failure , niter=niter , rng_alg=rng_alg , nover=nover , nover_svd=nover_svd , maxiter=maxiter , max_francis_steps=max_francis_steps , perfect_shift=perfect_shift , bisect=bisect )
rqr_svd_cmp_fixed_precision() computes approximations of the nsvd
largest singular values and associated
left and right singular vectors of a full real m
matrix MAT
using a three-step
procedure, which can be termed a QR-SVD algorithm [Xiao_etal:2017]:
- first, a randomized (or deterministic) partial QR factorization with Column Pivoting (QRCP) of
is computed; - in a second step, a Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of the (permuted) upper triangular or trapezoidal (e.g., if
) factorR
in this QR decomposition is computed. The singular values and right singular vectors of this SVD ofR
are also estimates of the singular values and right singular vectors ofMAT
; - Estimates of the associated left singular vectors of
are then obtained by pre-multiplying the left singular ofR
by the orthogonal matrixQ
Q in the initial QR decomposition.
is the target rank of the partial SVD, which is sought,
and this partial SVD must have an approximation error which fulfills:
, where rSVD
is the computed partial SVD approximation, is the Frobenius norm and
is a prescribed accuracy tolerance for the relative error of the computed partial SVD
approximation in the Frobenius norm, specified as an argument (e.g., argument RELERR) in the call
to rqr_svd_cmp_fixed_precision().
In other words, nsvd
is not known in advance and is determined in the subroutine, which is in contrast
to rqr_svd_cmp()
subroutine in which nsvd
is an input argument. This explains
why the output real array arguments S and V, which contain the computed singular values and the associated right
singular vectors in the partial SVD on exit, must be declared in the calling program as pointers.
On exit, nsvd
is equal to the size of the output real pointer argument S, which contains the
computed singular values and the relative error in the Frobenius norm
of the computed partial SVD approximation is output in argument RELERR.
As rqr_svd_cmp()
, this routine is always significantly faster than the svd_cmp()
, svd_cmp2()
, svd_cmp3()
, svd_cmp4()
, svd_cmp6()
standard SVD drivers or the bd_inviter2()
inverse iteration and bd_deflate2()
drivers because of the use of a cheap QRCP in the first step of the algorithm [Xiao_etal:2017].
However, the computed nsvd
largest singular values and associated left and right singular vectors are only approximations of the
true largest singular values and vectors. The accuracy is less than in the randomized rsvd_cmp_fixed_precision()
and rqlp_svd_cmp_fixed_precision()
subroutines described below, but rqr_svd_cmp_fixed_precision() is significantly faster than rsvd_cmp_fixed_precision()
and rqlp_svd_cmp_fixed_precision()
and is thus well adapted if you need a fast, but rough, estimate of a truncated SVD of MAT
Note, finally, that if you already know the rank of the partial SVD of MAT
you are seeking, it is better
to use rqr_svd_cmp()
rather than rqr_svd_cmp_fixed_precision() as rqr_svd_cmp()
is faster and more
call rqr_svd_cmp_fixed_precision( mat(:m,:n) , relerr , s(:) , failure , v(:,:) , random_qr=random_qr , rng_alg=rng_alg , blk_size=blk_size , nover=nover , maxiter=maxiter , max_francis_steps=max_francis_steps , perfect_shift=perfect_shift , bisect=bisect )
rsvd_cmp_fixed_precision() computes approximations of the top nsvd
singular values and associated
left and right singular vectors of a full real m
matrix MAT
randomized power or subspace iterations as in rsvd_cmp()
described [Halko_etal:2011] [Li_etal:2017] [Yu_etal:2018].
is the target rank of the partial Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), which is sought,
and this partial SVD must have an approximation error which fulfills:
, where rSVD
is the computed partial SVD approximation, is the Frobenius norm and
is a prescribed accuracy tolerance for the relative error of the computed partial SVD
approximation in the Frobenius norm, specified as an argument (e.g., argument RELERR) in the call
to rsvd_cmp_fixed_precision().
In other words, nsvd
is not known in advance and is determined in the subroutine, which is in contrast
to rsvd_cmp()
subroutine in which nsvd
is an input argument. This explains
why the output real array arguments S, LEFTVEC and RIGHTVEC, which contain the computed singular
triplets of the partial SVD on exit, must be declared in the calling program as pointers.
rsvd_cmp_fixed_precision() searches incrementally the best (e.g., smallest) partial SVD approximation, which fulfills the prescribed accuracy tolerance for the relative error based on an improved version of the randQB_FP algorithm described in [Yu_etal:2018]. See also [Martinsson_Voronin:2016]. More precisely, the rank of the truncated SVD approximation is increased progressively of BLK_SIZE by BLK_SIZE until the prescribed accuracy tolerance is satisfied and then improved and adjusted precisely by additional subspace iterations (as specified by the optional NITER_QB integer argument) to obtain the smallest partial SVD approximation, which satisfies the prescribed tolerance.
On exit, nsvd
is equal to the size of the output real pointer argument S, which contains the
computed singular values and the relative error in the Frobenius norm
of the computed partial SVD approximation is output in argument RELERR.
As rsvd_cmp()
, this routine is always significantly faster than the svd_cmp()
, svd_cmp2()
, svd_cmp3()
, svd_cmp4()
, svd_cmp6()
standard SVD drivers or the bd_inviter2()
inverse iteration and bd_deflate2()
drivers because of the use of very fast randomized algorithms [Halko_etal:2011] [Gu:2015] [Li_etal:2017] [Yu_etal:2018].
However, the computed nsvd
largest singular values and associated left and right singular vectors are only approximations of the
true largest singular values and vectors.
Note, finally, that if you already know the rank of the partial SVD of MAT
you are seeking, it is better
to use rsvd_cmp()
rather than rsvd_cmp_fixed_precision() as rsvd_cmp()
is faster and slightly more
call rsvd_cmp_fixed_precision( mat(:m,:n) , relerr , s(:) , leftvec(:,:) , rightvec(:,:) , failure_relerr=failure_relerr , failure=failure , niter=niter , blk_size=blk_size , maxiter_qb=maxiter_qb , ortho=ortho , reortho=reortho , niter_qb=niter_qb , rng_alg=rng_alg , maxiter=maxiter , max_francis_steps=max_francis_steps , perfect_shift=perfect_shift , bisect=bisect )
rqlp_svd_cmp_fixed_precision() computes approximations of the nsvd
largest singular values and associated
left and right singular vectors of a full real m
matrix MAT
using a four-step
procedure, which can be termed a QLP-SVD algorithm [Duersch_Gu:2017] [Feng_etal:2019] [Duersch_Gu:2020]:
- first, a randomized (or deterministic) partial QLP factorization of
is computed; - in a second step, the matrix product
T is computed and a number of QR-QL iterations are performed on it to improve the estimates of the principal row and columns subspaces ofMAT
; - in a third step, a Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of this matrix product
T is computed. The singular values and left singular vectors in this SVD are also estimates of the singular values and left singular vectors ofMAT
; - in a final step, estimates of the associated right singular vectors of
are then obtained by pre-multiplyingP
T by the right singular vectors in the SVD of this matrix product.
is the target rank of the partial SVD, which is sought,
and this partial SVD must have an approximation error which fulfills:
, where rSVD
is the computed partial SVD approximation, is the Frobenius norm and
is a prescribed accuracy tolerance for the relative error of the computed partial SVD
approximation in the Frobenius norm, specified as an argument (e.g., argument RELERR) in the call
to rqlp_svd_cmp_fixed_precision().
In other words, nsvd
is not known in advance and is determined in the subroutine, which is in contrast
to rqlp_svd_cmp()
subroutine in which nsvd
is an input argument. This explains
why the output real array arguments S, LEFTVEC and RIGHTVEC, which contain the computed singular triplets in
the partial SVD on exit, must be declared in the calling program as pointers.
On exit, nsvd
is equal to the size of the output real pointer argument S, which contains the
computed singular values and the relative error in the Frobenius norm
of the computed partial SVD approximation is output in argument RELERR.
As rqlp_svd_cmp()
, this routine is always significantly faster than the svd_cmp()
, svd_cmp2()
, svd_cmp3()
, svd_cmp4()
, svd_cmp6()
standard SVD drivers or the bd_inviter2()
inverse iteration and bd_deflate2()
drivers because of the use of a cheap QLP in the first step of the algorithm [Duersch_Gu:2017] [Feng_etal:2019] [Duersch_Gu:2020].
However, the computed nsvd
largest singular values and associated left and right singular vectors are only (very good) approximations of the
true largest singular values and vectors. The accuracy is always greater than in the randomized rqr_svd_cmp_fixed_precision()
and rsvd_cmp_fixed_precision()
subroutines described above, but rqlp_svd_cmp_fixed_precision() is usually slower than rsvd_cmp_fixed_precision()
and rqr_svd_cmp_fixed_precision()
Note, finally, that if you already know the rank of the partial SVD of MAT
you are seeking, it is better
to use rqlp_svd_cmp()
or rqlp_svd_cmp2()
rather than rqlp_svd_cmp_fixed_precision() as rqlp_svd_cmp()
and rqlp_svd_cmp2()
are faster and more accurate.
call rqlp_svd_cmp_fixed_precision( mat(:m,:n) , relerr , s(:) , leftvec(:,:) , rightvec(:,:) , failure , niter=niter , random_qr=random_qr , rng_alg=rng_alg , blk_size=blk_size , nover=nover , maxiter=maxiter , max_francis_steps=max_francis_steps , perfect_shift=perfect_shift , bisect=bisect )
reig_pos_cmp() computes approximations of the neig
largest eigenvalues and associated
eigenvectors of a full real n
symmetric positive semi-definite matrix MAT
randomized power, subspace or block Krylov iterations [Halko_etal:2011] [Musco_Musco:2015] [Martinsson:2019] and,
at the user option, the Nystrom method [Li_etal:2017], [Martinsson:2019] [Halko_etal:2011].
The Nystrom method provides more accurate results for positive semi-definite matrices [Halko_etal:2011] [Martinsson:2019].
The Nystrom method will be selected in reig_pos_cmp() if the optional logical
argument USE_NYSTROM is used with the value true
(this is the default), otherwise
the standard EVD algorithm will be used in the last step of the randomized algorithm.
This routine is always significantly faster than eig_cmp()
, eig_cmp2()
, eig_cmp3()
or trid_inviter()
and trid_deflate()
in module Eig_Procedures because of the use
of very fast randomized algorithms [Halko_etal:2011] [Gu:2015] [Musco_Musco:2015] [Martinsson:2019]. However, the computed neig
largest eigenvalues and eigenvectors are only approximations of the true largest eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
The routine returns approximations to the first neig
eigenvalues and the associated
eigenvectors corresponding to a partial EVD of a symmetric positive semi-definite matrix MAT
call reig_pos_cmp( mat(:n,:n) , eigval(:neig) , eigvec(:n,:neig) , failure=failure , niter=niter , nover=nover , ortho=ortho , extd_samp=extd_samp , use_nystrom=use_nystrom , rng_alg=rng_alg , maxiter=maxiter , max_francis_steps=max_francis_steps , perfect_shift=perfect_shift , bisect=bisect )
qlp_cmp() computes a partial or complete QLP factorization of a m
matrix MAT
where Q
and P
are, respectively, a m
matrix with orthonormal columns and a krank
with orthonormal rows (and krank
), and L
is a krank
lower triangular matrix.
If krank
, the QLP factorization is complete.
The QLP factorization can obtained by a two-step algorithm:
- first, a partial (or complete) QR factorization with Column Pivoting (QRCP) of
is computed; - in a second step, a LQ decomposition of the (permuted) upper triangular or trapezoidal (e.g., if
) factor,R
, of this QR decomposition is computed.
By default, a standard deterministic QRCP is used in the first phase of the QLP algorithm [Golub_VanLoan:1996]. However, if the optional logical
argument RANDOM_QR is used with the value true
, an alternate fast randomized (partial or full) QRCP is used in the first phase
of the QLP algorithm [Duersch_Gu:2017] [Xiao_etal:2017] [Duersch_Gu:2020].
At the user option, the QLP factorization can also be only partial, e.g., the subroutine stops the computations
when the numbers of columns of Q
and and the rows of P
is equal to a predefined value equals to krank = size( BETA ) = size( TAU )
By default, qlp_cmp() outputs the QLP decomposition in factored form in arguments MAT, BETA, TAU and LMAT, but Q
and P
can also
be generated at the user option.
The QLP decomposition provides a reasonable and cheap estimate of the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of a matrix when this matrix has a low rank or a significant gap in its singular values spectrum [Stewart:1999b] [Huckaby_Chan:2003] [Huckaby_Chan:2005].
call qlp_cmp( mat(:m,:n) , beta(:krank) , tau(:krank) , lmat(:krank,:krank) , qmat=qmat(:m,:krank) , pmat=pmat(:krank,:n) , random_qr=random_qr , truncated_qr=truncated_qr , rng_alg=rng_alg , blk_size=blk_size , nover=nover )
qlp_cmp2() computes an improved partial or complete QLP factorization of a m
matrix MAT
where Q
and P
are, respectively, a m
matrix with orthonormal columns and a krank
with orthonormal rows (and krank
), and L
is a krank
lower triangular matrix.
If krank
, the QLP factorization is complete.
In contrast to qlp_cmp()
, the QLP factorization in qlp_cmp2() is obtained by a three-step algorithm:
- first, a partial (or complete) QR factorization with Column Pivoting (QRCP) of
is computed; - in a second step, a LQ decomposition of the (permuted) upper triangular or trapezoidal (e.g., if
) factor,R
, of this QR decomposition is computed; - in a final step, NITER_QRQL QR-QL iterations can be performed on the
factor in this LQ decomposition to improve the accuracy of the diagonal elements ofL
(the so called L-values) as estimates of the singular values ofMAT
[Stewart:1999b] [Huckaby_Chan:2003] [Huckaby_Chan:2005] [Wu_Xiang:2020].
By default, a standard deterministic QRCP is used in the first phase of the QLP algorithm [Golub_VanLoan:1996]. However, if the optional logical
argument RANDOM_QR is used with the value true
, an alternate fast randomized (partial or full) QRCP is used in the first phase
of the QLP algorithm [Duersch_Gu:2017] [Xiao_etal:2017] [Duersch_Gu:2020].
At the user option, the QLP factorization can also be only partial, e.g., the subroutine stops the computations
when the numbers of columns of Q
and of the rows of P
is equal to a predefined value equals to krank = size(LMAT,1) = size(LMAT,2)
qlp_cmp2() outputs the QLP decomposition of MAT
in standard form in the matrix arguments LMAT, QMAT and PMAT.
The main differences between qlp_cmp2() and qlp_cmp()
described above, are in this explicit output format of the QLP decomposition and the possibility
of improving the accuracy of the L-values of the initial QLP decomposition by additional QR-QL iterations in qlp_cmp2() (as specified by the optional integer
parameter NITER_QRQL of qlp_cmp2()).
The (improved) QLP decomposition provides a reasonable and cheap estimate of the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of a matrix when this matrix has a low rank or a significant gap in its singular values spectrum [Stewart:1999b] [Huckaby_Chan:2003] [Huckaby_Chan:2005].
call qlp_cmp2( mat(:m,:n) , lmat(:krank,:krank) , qmat(:m,:krank) , pmat(:krank,:n) , niter_qrql=niter_qrql , random_qr=random_qr , truncated_qr=truncated_qr , rng_alg=rng_alg , blk_size=blk_size , nover=nover )
rqlp_cmp() computes an approximate randomized partial QLP factorization of a m
matrix MAT
[Stewart:1999b] [Wu_Xiang:2020]:
where Q
and P
are, respectively, a m
matrix with orthonormal columns and a krank
with orthonormal rows (and krank
), and L
is a krank
lower triangular matrix.
In contrast to qlp_cmp()
and qlp_cmp2()
, the QLP factorization in rqlp_cmp() is obtained by a four-step algorithm:
first, a partial QB factorization of
is computed with the help of a randomized algorithm [Martinsson_Voronin:2016] [Wu_Xiang:2020]where
matrix with orthonormal columns andB
is a fullkrank
matrix such that the matrix productQ
is a good approximation ofMAT
in the spectral or Frobenius norm;in a second step, a partial (or complete) QR factorization with Column Pivoting (QRCP) of
is computed andQ
is post-multiplied by thekrank
orthogonal matrix in this QR decomposition ofB
;in a third step, a LQ decomposition of the (permuted) upper trapezoidal factor,
, of this QR decomposition ofB
is computed;in a final step, NITER_QRQL QR-QL iterations can be performed on the
factor in this LQ decomposition to improve the accuracy of the diagonal elements ofL
(the so called L-values) as estimates of the singular values ofMAT
[Stewart:1999b] [Huckaby_Chan:2003] [Huckaby_Chan:2005] [Wu_Xiang:2020].
The QLP factorization in rqlp_cmp() is only partial, e.g., the subroutine stops the computations
when the numbers of columns of Q
and of the rows of P
is equal to a predefined value equals to krank = size(LMAT,1) = size(LMAT,2)
rqlp_cmp() outputs the QLP decomposition in standard form in the matrix arguments LMAT, QMAT and PMAT.
The main differences between rqlp_cmp() and qlp_cmp()
and qlp_cmp2()
described above, are in the use of a preliminary QB decomposition
of MAT
to identify the principal subspace of the columns of MAT
before computing the QLP decomposition (of the projection of MAT
onto this subspace). This delivers usually higher accuracy in the final partial QLP decomposition than those obtained in qlp_cmp()
and qlp_cmp2()
This randomized partial QLP decomposition provides a reasonable and cheap estimate of the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of a matrix when this matrix has a low rank or a significant gap in its singular values spectrum [Stewart:1999b] [Huckaby_Chan:2003] [Huckaby_Chan:2005] [Wu_Xiang:2020].
call rqlp_cmp( mat(:m,:n) , lmat(:krank,:krank) , qmat(:m,:krank) , pmat(:krank,:n) , niter=niter , rng_alg=rng_alg , ortho=ortho , niter_qrql=niter_qrql )
singvalues() computes the singular values of a real m
matrix MAT
The Singular Value decomposition (SVD) is written
where S
is a m
matrix which is zero except for its
diagonal elements, U
is a m
orthogonal matrix, and
is a n
orthogonal matrix. The diagonal elements of S
are the singular values of MAT
; they are real and non-negative.
The singular values are computed by the QR bidiagonal algorithm [Lawson_Hanson:1974] [Golub_VanLoan:1996].
singval(:min(m,n)) = singvalues( mat(:m,:n) , sort=sort , mul_size=mul_size , maxiter=maxiter )
select_singval_cmp() computes all or some of the greatest singular values of
a real m
matrix MAT
The Singular Value decomposition (SVD) is written:
where S
is a m
matrix which is zero except for its
diagonal elements, U
is a m
orthogonal matrix, and
is a n
orthogonal matrix. The diagonal elements of S
are the singular values of MAT
; they are real and non-negative.
Both a one-step and a two-step algorithms are available in select_singval_cmp() for the preliminary reduction of the
input matrix MAT
to bidiagonal form.
In the one-step algorithm, the original matrix MAT
is directly reduced to upper or lower
bidiagonal form BD
by an orthogonal transformation:
where Q
and P
are orthogonal (see [Golub_VanLoan:1996] [Lawson_Hanson:1974] [Howell_etal:2008]).
In the two-step algorithm, the original matrix MAT
is also reduced to upper bidiagonal form BD
, but if:
, a QR factorization of the realm
is first computedwhere
is orthogonal andR
is upper triangular. In a second step, then
upper triangular matrixR
is reduced to upper bidiagonal formBD
by an orthogonal transformation:where
are orthogonal andBD
is an upper bidiagonal matrix.m
, an LQ factorization of the realm
is first computedwhere
is orthogonal andL
is lower triangular. In a second step, them
lower triangular matrixL
is also reduced to upper bidiagonal formBD
by an orthogonal transformation :where
are orthogonal andBD
is also an upper bidiagonal matrix.
This two-step reduction algorithm will be more efficient if m
is much larger than n
or if n
is much larger than m
In both the one-step and two-step algorithms, the singular values S
of the bidiagonal matrix BD
, which are
also the singular values of MAT
, are then computed by a bisection algorithm applied to the Tridiagonal Golub-Kahan (TGK) form
of the bidiagonal matrix BD
(see [Fernando:1998]; Sec.3.3 ).
The routine outputs (parts of) S
and optionally Q
and P
(in packed form), and
for a given matrix MAT
. If the two-step algorithm is used, the routine outputs also O
explicitly or in a packed form.
, Q
, P
and BD
(and also O
if the two-step algorithm is selected) may then be used to obtain selected
singular vectors with subroutines bd_inviter2()
or bd_deflate2()
call select_singval_cmp( mat(:m,:n) , nsing , s(:min(m,n)) , failure , sort=sort , mul_size=mul_size , vector=vector , abstol=abstol , ls=ls , theta=theta , d=d(:min(m,n)) , e=e(:min(m,n)) , tauq=tauq(:min(m,n)) , taup=taup(:min(m,n)) , scaling=scaling , init=init ) call select_singval_cmp( mat(:m,:n) , rlmat(:min(m,n),:min(m,n)) , nsing , s(:min(m,n)) , failure , sort=sort , mul_size=mul_size , vector=vector , abstol=abstol , ls=ls , theta=theta , d=d(:min(m,n)) , e=e(:min(m,n)) , tauo=tauo(:min(m,n)) , tauq=tauq(:min(m,n)) , taup=taup(:min(m,n)) , scaling=scaling , init=init )
select_singval_cmp2() computes all or some of the greatest singular values of
a real m
matrix MAT
The Singular Value decomposition (SVD) is written:
where S
is a m
matrix which is zero except for its
diagonal elements, U
is a m
orthogonal matrix, and
is a n
orthogonal matrix. The diagonal elements of S
are the singular values of MAT
; they are real and non-negative.
Both a one-step and a two-step algorithms are available in select_singval_cmp2() for the preliminary reduction of the
input matrix MAT
to bidiagonal form.
In the one-step algorithm, the original matrix MAT
is directly reduced to upper or lower
bidiagonal form BD
by an orthogonal transformation:
where Q
and P
are orthogonal (see [Golub_VanLoan:1996] [Lawson_Hanson:1974] [Howell_etal:2008]).
In the two-step algorithm, the original matrix MAT
is also reduced to upper bidiagonal form BD
, but if:
, a QR factorization of the realm
is first computedwhere
is orthogonal andR
is upper triangular. In a second step, then
upper triangular matrixR
is reduced to upper bidiagonal formBD
by an orthogonal transformation:where
are orthogonal andBD
is an upper bidiagonal matrix.m
, an LQ factorization of the realm
is first computedwhere
is orthogonal andL
is lower triangular. In a second step, them
lower triangular matrixL
is also reduced to upper bidiagonal formBD
by an orthogonal transformation :where
are orthogonal andBD
is an upper bidiagonal matrix.
This two-step reduction algorithm will be more efficient if m
is much larger than n
or if n
is much larger than m
In both the one-step and two-step algorithms, the singular values S
of the bidiagonal matrix BD
, which
are also the singular values of MAT
, are then computed by a bisection algorithm (see [Golub_VanLoan:1996]; Sec.8.5 ).
The bisection method is applied (implicitly) to the associated min(m,n)
symmetric tridiagonal matrix
whose eigenvalues are the squares of the singular values of BD
by using the differential stationary
form of the QD algorithm of Rutishauser (see [Fernando:1998]; Sec.3.1 ).
The routine outputs (parts of) S
and optionally Q
and P
(in packed form), and
for a given matrix MAT
. If the two-step algorithm is used, the routine outputs also O
explicitly or in a packed form.
, Q
, P
and BD
(and also O
if the two-step algorithm is selected) may then be used to obtain selected
singular vectors with subroutines bd_inviter2()
or bd_deflate2()
select_singval_cmp2() is faster than select_singval_cmp(), but is slightly less accurate.
call select_singval_cmp2( mat(:m,:n) , nsing , s(:min(m,n)) , failure , sort=sort , mul_size=mul_size , vector=vector , abstol=abstol , ls=ls , theta=theta , d=d(:min(m,n)) , e=e(:min(m,n)) , tauq=tauq(:min(m,n)) , taup=taup(:min(m,n)) , scaling=scaling , init=init ) call select_singval_cmp2( mat(:m,:n) , rlmat(:min(m,n),:min(m,n)) , nsing , s(:min(m,n)) , failure , sort=sort , mul_size=mul_size , vector=vector , abstol=abstol , ls=ls , theta=theta , d=d(:min(m,n)) , e=e(:min(m,n)) , tauo=tauo(:min(m,n)) , tauq=tauq(:min(m,n)) , taup=taup(:min(m,n)) , scaling=scaling , init=init )
select_singval_cmp3() computes all or some of the greatest singular values of
a real m
matrix MAT
with m>=n
The Singular Value decomposition (SVD) is written:
where S
is a m
matrix which is zero except for its
diagonal elements, U
is a m
orthogonal matrix, and
is a n
orthogonal matrix. The diagonal elements of S
are the singular values of MAT
; they are real and non-negative.
Both a one-step and a two-step algorithms are available in select_singval_cmp3() for the preliminary reduction of the
input matrix MAT
to bidiagonal form.
In the one-step algorithm, the original matrix MAT
is directly reduced to upper
bidiagonal form BD
by an orthogonal transformation:
where Q
and P
are orthogonal (see [Lawson_Hanson:1974] [Golub_VanLoan:1996]). The fast Ralha-Barlow
one-sided method is used for this purpose (see [Ralha:2003] [Barlow_etal:2005] [Bosner_Barlow:2007]).
In the two-step algorithm, the original matrix MAT
is also reduced to upper bidiagonal form BD
. But,
a QR factorization of the real m
matrix MAT
is first computed
where O
is orthogonal and R
is upper triangular. In a second step, the n
triangular matrix R
is reduced to upper bidiagonal form BD
by an orthogonal transformation:
where Q
and P
are orthogonal and BD
is an upper bidiagonal matrix. The fast Ralha-Barlow
one-sided method is also used for this purpose (see [Ralha:2003] [Barlow_etal:2005] [Bosner_Barlow:2007]).
This two-step reduction algorithm will be more efficient if m
is much larger than n
In both the one-step and two-step algorithms, the singular values S
of the bidiagonal matrix BD
which are also the singular values of MAT
, are then computed by a bisection algorithm applied to the Tridiagonal Golub-Kahan form
of the bidiagonal matrix BD
(see [Fernando:1998]; Sec.3.3 ).
The routine outputs (parts of) S
, Q
and optionally P
(in packed form) and
for a given matrix MAT
. If the two-step algorithm is used, the routine outputs also O
explicitly or in a packed form.
, Q
, P
and BD
(and also O
if the two-step algorithm is selected) may then be used to obtain selected
singular vectors with subroutines bd_inviter2()
or bd_deflate2()
select_singval_cmp3() is faster than select_singval_cmp(), but is slightly less accurate.
call select_singval_cmp3( mat(:m,:n) , nsing , s(:n) , failure , sort=sort , mul_size=mul_size , vector=vector , abstol=abstol , ls=ls , theta=theta , d=d(:n) , e=e(:n) , p=p(:n,:n) , gen_p=gen_p , scaling=scaling , init=init , failure_bd=failure_bd ) call select_singval_cmp3( mat(:m,:n) , rlmat(:min(m,n),:min(m,n)) , nsing , s(:n) , failure , sort=sort , mul_size=mul_size , vector=vector , abstol=abstol , ls=ls , theta=theta , d=d(:n) , e=e(:n) , tauo=tauo(:min(m,n)) , p=p(:n,:n) , gen_p=gen_p , scaling=scaling , init=init , failure_bd=failure_bd )
select_singval_cmp4() computes all or some of the greatest singular values of
a real m
matrix MAT
with m>=n
The Singular Value decomposition (SVD) is written:
where S
is a m
matrix which is zero except for its
diagonal elements, U
is a m
orthogonal matrix, and
is a n
orthogonal matrix. The diagonal elements of S
are the singular values of MAT
; they are real and non-negative.
Both a one-step and a two-step algorithms are available in select_singval_cmp3() for the preliminary reduction of the
input matrix MAT
to bidiagonal form.
In the one-step algorithm, the original matrix MAT
is directly reduced to upper
bidiagonal form BD
by an orthogonal transformation:
where Q
and P
are orthogonal (see [Lawson_Hanson:1974] [Golub_VanLoan:1996]). The fast Ralha-Barlow
one-sided method is used for this purpose (see [Ralha:2003] [Barlow_etal:2005] [Bosner_Barlow:2007]).
In the two-step algorithm, the original matrix MAT
is also reduced to upper bidiagonal form BD
. But,
a QR factorization of the real m
matrix MAT
is first computed
where O
is orthogonal and R
is upper triangular. In a second step, the n
triangular matrix R
is reduced to upper bidiagonal form BD
by an orthogonal transformation:
where Q
and P
are orthogonal and BD
is an upper bidiagonal matrix. The fast Ralha-Barlow
one-sided method is also used for this purpose (see [Ralha:2003] [Barlow_etal:2005] [Bosner_Barlow:2007]).
This two-step reduction algorithm will be more efficient if m
is much larger than n
In both the one-step and two-step algorithms, the singular values S
of the bidiagonal matrix BD
, which are also the singular values of MAT
are then computed by a bisection algorithm (see [Golub_VanLoan:1996]; Sec.8.5 ). The bisection
method is applied (implicitly) to the associated min(m,n)-by-min(m,n) symmetric tridiagonal matrix
whose eigenvalues are the squares of the singular values of BD
by using the differential stationary
form of the qd algorithm of Rutishauser (see [Fernando:1998]; Sec.3.1 ).
The routine outputs (parts of) S
, Q
and optionally P
(in packed form) and
for a given matrix MAT
. If the two-step algorithm is used, the routine outputs also O
explicitly or in a packed form.
, Q
, P
and BD
(and also O
if the two-step algorithm is selected) may then be used to obtain selected
singular vectors with subroutines bd_inviter2()
or bd_deflate2()
select_singval_cmp4() is faster than select_singval_cmp3(), but is slightly less accurate.
call select_singval_cmp4( mat(:m,:n) , nsing , s(:n) , failure , sort=sort , mul_size=mul_size , vector=vector , abstol=abstol , ls=ls , theta=theta , d=d(:n) , e=e(:n) , p=p(:n,:n) , gen_p=gen_p , scaling=scaling , init=init , failure_bd=failure_bd ) call select_singval_cmp4( mat(:m,:n) , rlmat(:min(m,n),:min(m,n)) , nsing , s(:n) , failure , sort=sort , mul_size=mul_size , vector=vector , abstol=abstol , ls=ls , theta=theta , d=d(:n) , e=e(:n) , tauo=tauo(:min(m,n)) , p=p(:n,:n) , gen_p=gen_p , scaling=scaling , init=init , failure_bd=failure_bd )
Given the singular values as output from bd_svd()
, bd_svd2()
, svd_cmp()
or svd_cmp3()
, singval_sort() sorts the singular values into ascending or
descending order.
call singval_sort( sort , d(:n) )
Given the singular values and (left or right) vectors as output from bd_svd()
, bd_svd2()
, svd_cmp()
or svd_cmp3()
, singvec_sort() sorts the singular values into ascending or
descending order and reorders the associated singular vectors accordingly.
call singvec_sort( sort , d(:n) , u(:,:n) )
Given the singular values and the associated left and right singular vectors as output from bd_svd()
, svd_cmp2()
or svd_cmp3()
svd_sort() sorts the singular values into ascending or descending order, and, rearranges the left and
right singular vectors correspondingly.
call svd_sort( sort , d(:n) , u(:,:n) , v(:,:n) ) call svd_sort( sort , d(:n) , u(:,:n) ) call svd_sort( sort , d(:n) )
Given the singular values and the associated left and right singular vectors as output from bd_svd2()
or svd_cmp2()
, svd_sort2() sorts the singular values into ascending or descending order, and,
rearranges the left and right singular vectors correspondingly.
call svd_sort2( sort , d(:n) , u(:,:n) , vt(:n,:) ) call svd_sort2( sort , d(:n) , u(:,:n) ) call svd_sort2( sort , d(:n) )
maxdiag_gkinv_qr() computes the index of the element of maximum absolute value in the diagonal entries of
where GK
is a n
symmetric tridiagonal matrix with a zero diagonal,
is the identity matrix and lambda
is a scalar.
The diagonal entries of ( GK - lambda * I )
-1 are computed by means of the QR
factorization of GK - lambda * I
For more details, see [Bini_etal:2005].
It is assumed that GK
is unreduced, but no check is done in the subroutine to verify
this assumption.
maxdiag_gkinv = maxdiag_gkinv_qr( e(:) , lambda )
maxdiag_gkinv_ldu() computes the index of the element of maximum absolute value in the diagonal entries of
where GK
is a n
symmetric tridiagonal matrix with a zero diagonal,
is the identity matrix and lambda
is a scalar.
The diagonal entries of ( GK - lambda * I )
-1 are computed by means of LDU and UDL
factorizations of GK - lambda * I
For more details, see [Fernando:1997].
It is assumed that GK
is unreduced, but no check is done in the subroutine to verify
this assumption.
maxdiag_gkinv = maxdiag_gkinv_ldu( e(:) , lambda )
gk_qr_cmp() factorizes the symmetric matrix GK - lambda * I
, where
is a n
symmetric tridiagonal matrix with a zero diagonal,
is the identity matrix and lambda
is a scalar. as
where Q
is an orthogonal matrix represented as the product of n-1
rotations and R
is an upper triangular matrix with at most two non-zero
super-diagonal elements per column.
The parameter lambda
is included in the routine so that gk_qr_cmp() may
be used to obtain eigenvectors of GK
by inverse iteration.
The subroutine also computes the index of the entry of maximum absolute value
in the diagonal of ( GK - lambda * I )
-1, which provides a good initial
approximation to start the inverse iteration process for computing the eigenvector
associated with the eigenvalue lambda
For further details, see [Bini_etal:2005] [Fernando:1997] [Parlett_Dhillon:1997].
call gk_qr_cmp( e(:n-1) , lambda , cs(:n-1) , sn(:n-1) , diag(:n) , sup1(:n) , sup2(:n) , maxdiag_gkinv )
bd_inviter() computes the left and right singular vectors of a real n
matrix BD
corresponding to specified singular values, using Fernando’s method and
inverse iteration on the Tridiagonal Golub-Kahan (TGK) form of the bidiagonal matrix BD
The singular values used as input of bd_inviter() can be computed with a call to bd_svd()
or bd_singval2()
Moreover, the singular values used as input of bd_inviter() can be computed to high accuracy
for more robust results. This will be the case if the optional parameter ABSTOL is used and set to sqrt(lamch("S"))
(or safmin
, where safmin
is a public numerical constant exported by the
Num_Constants module) in the preliminary calls to bd_singval()
or bd_singval2()
which compute the singular values of BD
See description of bd_singval()
or bd_singval2()
for more details.
call bd_inviter( upper , d(:n) , e(:n) , s , leftvec(:n) , rightvec(:n) , failure , maxiter=maxiter , scaling=scaling , initvec=initvec ) call bd_inviter( upper , d(:n) , e(:n) , s(:p) , leftvec(:n,:p) , rightvec(:n,:p) , failure , maxiter=maxiter , ortho=ortho , backward_sweep=backward_sweep , scaling=scaling , initvec=initvec )
bd_inviter2() computes the left and right singular vectors of a full real m
matrix MAT
corresponding to specified singular values, using inverse iteration.
It is required that the original matrix MAT
has been first reduced to upper or lower
bidiagonal form BD
by an orthogonal transformation:
where Q
and P
are orthogonal, and that selected singular values of BD
have been computed.
These first steps can be performed in several ways:
- with a call to subroutine
(with parameters D, E, TAUQ and TAUP), which reduce the input matrixMAT
with an one-step Golub-Kahan bidiagonalization algorithm and compute (selected) singular values of the resulting bidiagonal matrixBD
; - with a call to subroutine
(with parameters D, E, TAUQ, TAUP, RLMAT and TAUO), which reduce the input matrixMAT
with a two-step Golub-Kahan bidiagonalization algorithm and compute (selected) singular values of the resulting bidiagonal matrixBD
; - using first, an one-step bidiagonalization Golub-Kahan algorithm, with a call to
(with parameters D, E, TAUQ and TAUP) followed by a call tobd_svd()
for computing (selected) singular values of the resulting bidiagonal matrixBD
(this is equivalent of using subroutinesselect_singval_cmp()
above with parameters D, E, TAUQ and TAUP); - using first, a two-step bidiagonalization Golub-Kahan algorithm, with a call to
(with parameters D, E, TAUQ, TAUP, RLMAT and TAUO ) followed by a call tobd_svd()
for computing (selected) singular values of the resulting bidiagonal matrixBD
(this is equivalent of using subroutinesselect_singval_cmp()
above with parameters D, E, TAUQ, TAUP, RLMAT and TAUO).
If m
, these first steps can also be performed:
- with a call to subroutine
(with parameters D, E and P), which reduce the input matrixMAT
with an one-step Ralha-Barlow bidiagonalization algorithm and compute (selected) singular values of the resulting bidiagonal matrixBD
. - with a call to subroutine
(with parameters D, E, P, RLMAT and TAUO), which reduce the input matrixMAT
with a two-step Ralha-Barlow bidiagonalization algorithm and compute (selected) singular values of the resulting bidiagonal matrixBD
. - using first, a one-step Ralha-Barlow bidiagonalization algorithm, with a call to
(with parameters D, E and P), followed by a call tobd_svd()
for computing (selected) singular values of the resulting bidiagonal matrixBD
(this is equivalent of using subroutinesselect_singval_cmp3()
above with parameters D, E and P).
If max(m,n)
is much larger than min(m,n)
, it is more efficient to use a two-step bidiagonalization algorithm than a one-step
algorithm. Moreover, if m
, using the Ralha-Barlow bidiagonalization method will be a faster method.
Once (selected) singular values of BD
, which are also singular values of MAT
, have been computed
by using one of the above paths, a call to bd_inviter2() will compute the associated singular vectors of MAT
if the appropriate parameters TAUQ, TAUP, P, TAUO, RLMAT and TAUO (depending on the previous selected path)
are specified in the call to bd_inviter2().
Moreover, independently of the selected paths, note that the singular values used as input of bd_inviter2() can
be computed to high accuracy for more robust results. This will be the case if the optional parameter ABSTOL is used and set
to sqrt(lamch("S"))
(or safmin
, where safmin
is a public numerical constant exported by the
Num_Constants module) in the preliminary calls to select_singval_cmp()
, select_singval_cmp2()
, select_singval_cmp4()
, bd_singval()
or bd_singval2()
, which compute the singular values
of BD
(and MAT
See, for example, the description of select_singval_cmp()
or select_singval_cmp3()
for more details.
call bd_inviter2( mat(:m,:n) , tauq(:min(m,n)) , taup(:min(m,n)) , d(:min(m,n)) , e(:min(m,n)) , s(:p) , leftvec(:m,:p) , rightvec(:n,:p) , failure, maxiter=maxiter , ortho=ortho , backward_sweep=backward_sweep , scaling=scaling , initvec=initvec ) call bd_inviter2( mat(:m,:n) , p(:n,:n) , d(:n) , e(:n) , s(:p) , leftvec(:m,:p) , rightvec(:n,:p) , failure, maxiter=maxiter , ortho=ortho , backward_sweep=backward_sweep , scaling=scaling , initvec=initvec ) call bd_inviter2( mat(:m,:n) , tauq(:min(m,n)) , taup(:min(m,n)) , rlmat(:min(m,n),:min(m,n)) , d(:min(m,n)) , e(:min(m,n)) , s(:p) , leftvec(:m,:p) , rightvec(:n,:p) , failure, tauo=tauo(:min(m,n)) , maxiter=maxiter , ortho=ortho , backward_sweep=backward_sweep , scaling=scaling , initvec=initvec ) call bd_inviter2( mat(:m,:n) , rlmat(:min(m,n),:min(m,n)) , p(:n,:n) , d(:n) , e(:n) , s(:p) , leftvec(:m,:p) , rightvec(:n,:p) , failure, tauo=tauo(:min(m,n)) , maxiter=maxiter , ortho=ortho , backward_sweep=backward_sweep , scaling=scaling , initvec=initvec )
upper_bd_dsqd() computes:
- the factorization of the matrix , if FLIP=
; - the factorization of the matrix , if FLIP=
for a n
(upper) bidiagonal matrix BD
and a given scalar shift. L
and U
are, respectively,
unit lower and unit upper bidiagonal matrices and D
is a diagonal matrix.
The differential form of the stationary QD algorithm of Rutishauser is used to compute the factorization. See [Fernando:1998] for further details.
The subroutine outputs the diagonal matrix D
of the factorization, the off-diagonal
entries of L
(or of U
if FLIP=true
) and the auxiliary variable T
in the differential form of the stationary QD algorithm.
call upper_bd_dsqd( a(:n) , b(:n-1) , shift , flip , d(:n) ) call upper_bd_dsqd( a(:n) , b(:n-1) , shift , flip , d(:n) , t(:n) ) call upper_bd_dsqd( a(:n) , b(:n-1) , shift , flip , d(:n) , t(:n) , l(:n-1) )
upper_bd_dpqd() computes:
- the factorization of the matrix , if FLIP=
; - the factorization of the matrix , if FLIP=
for a n
(upper) bidiagonal matrix BD
and a given scalar shift. L
and U
are, respectively,
unit lower and unit upper bidiagonal matrices and D
is a diagonal matrix.
The differential form of the progressive QD algorithm of Rutishauser is used to compute the factorization (see [Fernando:1998] for further details).
The subroutine outputs the diagonal matrix D
of the factorization, the off-diagonal
entries of L
(or of U
if FLIP=true
) and the auxiliary variable S
in the differential form of the progressive QD algorithm.
call upper_bd_dpqd( a(:n) , b(:n-1) , shift , flip , d(:n) ) call upper_bd_dpqd( a(:n) , b(:n-1) , shift , flip , d(:n) , s(:n) ) call upper_bd_dpqd( a(:n) , b(:n-1) , shift , flip , d(:n) , s(:n) , l(:n-1) )
upper_bd_dsqd2() computes:
- the factorization of the matrix , if FLIP=
; - the factorization of the matrix , if FLIP=
for a n
(upper) bidiagonal matrix BD
and a given scalar shift. L
and U
are, respectively,
unit lower and unit upper bidiagonal matrices and D
is a diagonal matrix.
The differential form of the stationary QD algorithm of Rutishauser is used to compute
the factorization from the squared elements of the bidiagonal matrix BD
See [Fernando:1998] for further details.
The subroutine outputs the diagonal matrix D
of the factorization and the auxiliary
variable T
(at the user option) in the differential form of the stationary QD algorithm.
call upper_bd_dsqd2( q2(:n) , e2(:n-1) , shift , flip , d(:n) ) call upper_bd_dsqd2( q2(:n) , e2(:n-1) , shift , flip , d(:n) , t(:n) )
upper_bd_dpqd2() computes:
- the factorization of the matrix , if FLIP=
; - the factorization of the matrix , if FLIP=
for a n
(upper) bidiagonal matrix BD
and a given scalar shift. L
and U
are, respectively,
unit lower and unit upper bidiagonal matrices and D
is a diagonal matrix.
The differential form of the progressive QD algorithm of Rutishauser is used to compute
the factorization from the squared elements of the bidiagonal matrix BD
See [Fernando:1998] for further details.
The subroutine outputs the diagonal matrix D
of the factorization and the auxiliary
variable S
in the differential form of the progressive QD algorithm.
call upper_bd_dpqd2( q2(:n) , e2(:n-1) , shift , flip , d(:n) ) call upper_bd_dpqd2( q2(:n) , e2(:n-1) , shift , flip , d(:n) , s(:n) )
dflgen_bd() computes deflation parameters (e.g., two chains of Givens rotations) for
a n
(upper) bidiagonal matrix BD
and a given singular value of BD
On output, the arguments CS_LEFT, SN_LEFT, CS_RIGHT and SN_RIGHT contain, respectively,
the vectors of the cosines and sines coefficients of the chain of n-1
planar rotations that
deflates the real n
bidiagonal matrix BD
corresponding to a singular value LAMBDA.
For further details, see [Godunov_etal:1993] [Malyshev:2000].
call dflgen_bd( d(:n) , e(:n-1) , lambda , cs_left(:n-1) , sn_left(:n-1) , cs_right(:n-1) , sn_right(:n-1) , scaling=scaling )
dflgen2_bd() computes and applies deflation parameters (e.g., two chains of Givens rotations) for
a n
(upper) bidiagonal matrix BD
and a given singular value of BD
On input:
The arguments D and E contain, respectively, the main diagonal and off-diagonal of the bidiagonal matrix, and the argument LAMBDA contains an estimate of the singular value.
On output:
The arguments D and E contain, respectively, the new main diagonal and off-diagonal of the deflated bidiagonal matrix if the argument DEFLATE is set to
, otherwise D and E are not changed.The arguments CS_LEFT, SN_LEFT, CS_RIGHT and SN_RIGHT contain, respectively, the vectors of the cosines and sines coefficients of the chain of
planar rotations that deflates the realn
bidiagonal matrixBD
corresponding to the singular value LAMBDA. One chain is applied to the left ofBD
(CS_LEFT, SN_LEFT) and the other is applied to the right ofBD
For further details, see [Godunov_etal:1993] [Malyshev:2000].
call dflgen2_bd( d(:n) , e(:n-1) , lambda , cs_left(:n-1) , sn_left(:n-1) , cs_right(:n-1) , sn_right(:n-1) , deflate , scaling=scaling )
dflapp_bd() deflates a real n
(upper) bidiagonal matrix BD
by two chains
of planar rotations produced by dflgen_bd()
or dflgen2_bd()
On entry, the arguments D and E contain, respectively, the main diagonal and off-diagonal of the bidiagonal matrix.
On output, the arguments D and E contain, respectively, the new main diagonal
and off-diagonal of the deflated bidiagonal matrix if the argument DEFLATE is set
to true
on output of dflapp_bd().
For further details, see [Godunov_etal:1993] [Malyshev:2000].
call dflapp_bd( d(:n) , e(:n-1) , cs_left(:n-1) , sn_left(:n-1) , cs_right(:n-1) , sn_right(:n-1) , deflate )
qrstep_bd() performs one QR step with a given shift LAMBDA on a n
real (upper)
bidiagonal matrix BD
On entry, the arguments D and E contain, respectively, the main diagonal and off-diagonal of the bidiagonal matrix.
On output, the arguments D and E contain, respectively, the new main diagonal
and off-diagonal of the deflated bidiagonal matrix if the logical argument DEFLATE is
set to true
on exit or if the optional logical argument UPDATE_BD is used with the
value true
on entry; otherwise the arguments D and E are not modified.
The two chains of n-1
planar rotations produced during the QR step are saved in
For further details, see [Mastronardi_etal:2006].
call qrstep_bd( d(:n) , e(:n-1) , lambda , cs_left(:n-1) , sn_left(:n-1) , cs_right(:n-1) , sn_right(:n-1) , deflate, update_bd )
qrstep_zero_bd() performs one implicit QR step with a zero shift on a n
real (upper)
bidiagonal matrix BD
On entry, the arguments D and E contain, respectively, the main diagonal and off-diagonal of the bidiagonal matrix.
On output, the arguments D and E contain, respectively, the new main diagonal
and off-diagonal of the deflated bidiagonal matrix if the logical argument DEFLATE is
set to true
on exit or if the optional logical argument UPDATE_BD is used with the
value true
on entry; otherwise the arguments D and E are not modified.
The two chains of n-1
planar rotations produced during the QR step are saved in
For further details, see [Demmel_Kahan:1990].
call qrstep_zero_bd( d(:n) , e(:n-1) , cs_left(:n-1) , sn_left(:n-1) , cs_right(:n-1) , sn_right(:n-1) , deflate, update_bd )
upper_bd_deflate() computes the left and right singular vectors of a real (upper) bidiagonal
matrix BD
corresponding to specified singular values, using a deflation technique on the BD
upper_bd_deflate() is a low-level subroutine used by bd_deflate()
subroutines. Its use as a stand-alone method for computing singular
vectors of a bidiagonal matrix is not recommended.
Note also that the sign of the singular vectors computed by upper_bd_deflate() is arbitrary
and not necessarily consistent between the left and right singular vectors. In order
to compute consistent singular triplets, subroutine bd_deflate()
must be used instead.
call upper_bd_deflate( d(:n) , e(:n-1) , singval , leftvec(:n) , rightvec(:n) , failure , max_qr_steps=max_qr_steps , scaling=scaling ) call upper_bd_deflate( d(:n) , e(:n-1) , singval(:p) , leftvec(:n,:p) , rightvec(:n,:p) , failure , max_qr_steps=max_qr_steps , scaling=scaling )
bd_deflate() computes the left and right singular vectors of a real n
matrix BD
corresponding to specified singular values, using deflation techniques on
the bidiagonal matrix BD
It is highly recommended that the singular values used as input of bd_deflate() have been computed to high accuracy
for more robust results. This will be the case if the optional parameter ABSTOL is used and set to sqrt(lamch("S"))
(or safmin
, where safmin
is a public numerical constant exported by the
Num_Constants module) in the preliminary calls to bd_singval()
or bd_singval2()
which compute the singular values of BD
See description of bd_singval()
or bd_singval2()
for more details.
call bd_deflate( upper , d(:n) , e(:n) , s(:p) , leftvec(:n,:p) , rightvec(:n,:p) , failure , max_qr_steps=max_qr_steps , ortho=ortho , scaling=scaling , inviter=inviter )
bd_deflate2() computes the left and right singular vectors of a full real m
matrix MAT
corresponding to specified singular values, using deflation techniques.
It is required that the original matrix MAT
has been first reduced to upper or lower
bidiagonal form BD
by an orthogonal transformation:
where Q
and P
are orthogonal, and that selected singular values of BD
have been computed.
These first steps can be performed in several ways:
- with a call to subroutine
(with parameters D, E, TAUQ and TAUP), which reduce the input matrixMAT
with an one-step Golub-Kahan bidiagonalization algorithm and compute (selected) singular values of the resulting bidiagonal matrixBD
; - with a call to subroutine
(with parameters D, E, TAUQ, TAUP, RLMAT and TAUO), which reduce the input matrixMAT
with a two-step Golub-Kahan bidiagonalization algorithm and compute (selected) singular values of the resulting bidiagonal matrixBD
; - using first, an one-step bidiagonalization Golub-Kahan algorithm, with a call to
(with parameters D, E, TAUQ and TAUP) followed by a call tobd_svd()
for computing (selected) singular values of the resulting bidiagonal matrixBD
(this is equivalent of using subroutinesselect_singval_cmp()
above with parameters D, E, TAUQ and TAUP); - using first, a two-step bidiagonalization Golub-Kahan algorithm, with a call to
(with parameters D, E, TAUQ, TAUP, RLMAT and TAUO ) followed by a call tobd_svd()
for computing (selected) singular values of the resulting bidiagonal matrixBD
(this is equivalent of using subroutinesselect_singval_cmp()
above with parameters D, E, TAUQ, TAUP, RLMAT and TAUO).
If m
, these first steps can also be performed:
- with a call to subroutine
(with parameters D, E and P), which reduce the input matrixMAT
with an one-step Ralha-Barlow bidiagonalization algorithm and compute (selected) singular values of the resulting bidiagonal matrixBD
. - with a call to subroutine
(with parameters D, E, P, RLMAT and TAUO), which reduce the input matrixMAT
with a two-step Ralha-Barlow bidiagonalization algorithm and compute (selected) singular values of the resulting bidiagonal matrixBD
. - using first, a one-step Ralha-Barlow bidiagonalization algorithm, with a call to
(with parameters D, E and P), followed by a call tobd_svd()
for computing (selected) singular values of the resulting bidiagonal matrixBD
(this is equivalent of using subroutinesselect_singval_cmp3()
above with parameters D, E and P).
If max(m,n)
is much larger than min(m,n)
, it is more efficient to use a two-step bidiagonalization algorithm than a one-step
algorithm. Moreover, if m
, using the Ralha-Barlow bidiagonalization method will be a faster method.
Once (selected) singular values of BD
, which are also singular values of MAT
, have been computed
by using one of the above paths, a call to bd_deflate2() will compute the associated singular vectors of MAT
if the appropriate parameters TAUQ, TAUP, P, TAUO, RLMAT and TAUO (depending on the previous selected path)
are specified in the call to bd_deflate2().
Moreover, independently of the selected paths, it is also highly recommended that the singular values used as input of bd_deflate2()
have been computed to high accuracy for more robust results. This will be the case if the optional parameter ABSTOL is used and set
to sqrt(lamch("S"))
(or safmin
, where safmin
is a public numerical constant exported by the
Num_Constants module) in the preliminary calls to select_singval_cmp()
, select_singval_cmp2()
, select_singval_cmp4()
, bd_singval()
or bd_singval2()
, which compute the singular values of BD
(and MAT
See, for example, the description of select_singval_cmp()
or select_singval_cmp3()
for more details.
call bd_deflate2( mat(:m,:n) , tauq(:min(m,n)) , taup(:min(m,n)) , d(:min(m,n)) , e(:min(m,n)) , s(:p) , leftvec(:m,:p) , rightvec(:n,:p) , failure , max_qr_steps=max_qr_steps , ortho=ortho , scaling=scaling , inviter=inviter ) call bd_deflate2( mat(:m,:n) , p(:n,:n) , d(:n) , e(:n) , s(:p) , leftvec(:m,:p) , rightvec(:n,:p) , failure , max_qr_steps=max_qr_steps , ortho=ortho , scaling=scaling , inviter=inviter ) call bd_deflate2( mat(:m,:n) , tauq(:min(m,n)) , taup(:min(m,n)) , rlmat(:min(m,n),:min(m,n)) , d(:min(m,n)) , e(:min(m,n)) , s(:p) , leftvec(:m,:p) , rightvec(:n,:p) , failure , tauo=tauo(:min(m,n)) , max_qr_steps=max_qr_steps , ortho=ortho , scaling=scaling , inviter=inviter ) call bd_deflate2( mat(:m,:n) , rlmat(:min(m,n),:min(m,n)) , p(:n,:n) , d(:n) , e(:n) , s(:p) , leftvec(:m,:p) , rightvec(:n,:p) , failure , tauo=tauo(:min(m,n)) , max_qr_steps=max_qr_steps , ortho=ortho , scaling=scaling , inviter=inviter )
product_svd_cmp() computes the singular value decomposition of the product of a
matrix A
by the transpose of a p
matrix B
where A
and B
have more rows than columns ( n
), S
is an n
which is zero except for its diagonal elements, U
is a m
matrix, and V
is a p
orthogonal matrix. The diagonal elements of S
are the singular values of A * B
T; they are real and non-negative.
The columns of U
and V
are the left and right singular vectors
of A * B
T, respectively.
call product_svd_cmp( a(:m,:n) , b(:p,:n) , s(:n) , failure , sort=sort , maxiter=maxiter , max_francis_steps=max_francis_step , perfect_shift=perfect_shift , bisect=bisect )
ginv() returns the generalized (e.g., Moore-Penrose) inverse MAT
+ of a m
real matrix, MAT
The generalized inverse of MAT
is a n
matrix and is computed with the help of the SVD of MAT
matginv(:n,:m) = ginv( mat(:m,:n) , tol=tol , maxiter=maxiter , max_francis_steps=max_francis_step , perfect_shift=perfect_shift , bisect=bisect )
comp_ginv() computes the generalized (e.g., Moore-Penrose) inverse MAT
+ of a m
real matrix, MAT
The generalized inverse of MAT
is a n
matrix and is computed with the help of the SVD of MAT
call comp_ginv( mat(:m,:n) , failure, matginv(:n,:m), tol=tol , singvalues=singvalues(:min(m,n)) , krank=krank , mul_size=mul_size , maxiter=maxiter , max_francis_steps=max_francis_step , perfect_shift=perfect_shift , bisect=bisect ) call comp_ginv( mat(:m,:n) , failure , tol=tol , singvalues=singvalues(:min(m,n)) , krank=krank , mul_size=mul_size , maxiter=maxiter , max_francis_steps=max_francis_step , perfect_shift=perfect_shift , bisect=bisect )
gen_bd_mat() generates different types of bidiagonal matrices with known singular values or specific numerical properties, such as clustered singular values or a large condition number, for testing purposes of SVD (bidiagonal) solvers included in STATPACK.
Optionally, the singular values of the selected bidiagonal matrix can be computed analytically, if possible, or by a bisection algorithm with high absolute and relative accuracies.
call gen_bd_mat( type , d(:n) , e(:n) , failure=failure , known_singval=known_singval , from_tridiag=from_tridiag , singval=singval(:n) , sort=sort , val1=val1 , val2=val2 , l0=l0 , glu0=glu0 )