This section describes how to use NCSTAT operators and gives an overview of the available functionalities.
After a successful compilation of NCSTAT, it is not mandatory, but recommended to update your executable search path with the directory containing the NCSTAT executables if this directory is not already in your executable search path. For example, to do this if your Shell is sh or bash, execute the following command (preferably in your startup file):
$ export PATH="$EXECDIR:$PATH"
is a Shell variable containing the name/path you have specified in your $NCSTATDIR/
for the location of the NCSTAT executables.
Assuming that you have updated your search path as described above, all the NCSTAT operators can be directly executed at the command line and follow this syntax:
NCSTAT_operator -arg1 -arg2 ... -argN
The last three characters of each NCSTAT operator indicates implicitly, the NetCDF variables, which can be processed by this NCSTAT operator. For example, comp_clim_3d can process tridimensional NetCDF variables; comp_clim_4d can process fourdimensional NetCDF variables and so on.
The number and meaning of the arguments, -arg1 -arg2 ... -argN, depend on the NCSTAT_operator, but all the arguments begin with a - and can be specified in any order. There are two categories of arguments in the NCSTAT operators:
- the arguments, which are used to switch on/off a flag and, thus don’t take any values
- the arguments, which take a value (e.g. a string, an integer, a real number). In that case, the name of the argument is followed by = and you must give the value or values immediately after, with no space between = and the values.
In order to know quickly, the available arguments for a given NCSTAT operator, just execute this NCSTAT operator without any argument:
$ NCSTAT_operator
This will print on the screen the purpose of the NCSTAT operator, the list of available arguments for this operator and, finally, if this operator is parallelized with OpenMP (taking into account how you have compiled NCSTAT). As an illustration, if you execute:
$ comp_clim_3d
You will obtain the following informations on the screen (output may differ slightly depending on your compilation options):
Purpose :
Compute a climatology from a tridimensional variable
extracted from a NetCDF dataset.
Usage :
comp_clim_3d -f=input_netcdf_file
-p=periodicity (optional)
-x=lon1,lon2 (optional)
-y=lat1,lat2 (optional)
-t=time1,time2 (optional)
-c=output_climatology_netcdf_file (optional)
-m=output_mesh_mask_netcdf_file (optional)
-yl=latl1,latl2 (optional)
-mi=missing_value (optional)
-fmsk=input_mesh_mask_netcdf_file (optional)
-vmsk=mesh_mask_netcdf_variable (optional)
-val=mask_value (optional)
-rel=mask_relation (optional : eq, gt, ge, lt, le)
-ntr=number_of_time_records (optional)
-double (optional)
-bigfile (optional)
-hdf5 (optional)
-tlimited (optional)
By default :
-p= the periodicity is set to 1
-x= the whole longitude domain associated with the netcdf_variable
-y= the whole latitude domain associated with the netcdf_variable
-t= the whole time period associated with the netcdf_variable
-m= the mesh-mask NetCDF file is not created
-yl= it is assumed that the domain is the whole globe
-mi= the missing_value for the STD variable is equal to 1.e+20
-fmsk= an input_mesh_mask_netcdf_file is not used
-vmsk= an input mesh_mask_netcdf_variable is not used
-ntr= the number_of_time_records is equal to the periodicity
-double : by default, the STD variable is stored as single floating numbers
-bigfile : by default, a NetCDF classical format file is created
-hdf5 : by default, a NetCDF classical format file is created
-tlimited : by default, the time dimension is defined as unlimited
This procedure is parallelized with OpenMP
As you can see, some arguments are mandatory and other are optional. The mandatory arguments always take a value, but optional arguments can be of both types. Finally, you know if this operator supports OpenMP parallelism or not.
Common arguments¶
The following arguments are available for almost all the NCSTAT operators and have the same meaning accross the operators.
The common arguments with values of the NCSTAT operators:
Note that for the -x=, -y= and -t= arguments, the latitude/longitude domains and the time interval are specified as integer indices and that the coordinate NetCDF variables, if they exist, are not used.
You can use the operators comp_mask_3d and comp_mask_4d to transform geographical coordinates as integer indices for use with the NCSTAT operators.
The common arguments without any value of the NCSTAT operators are:
Parallel execution¶
Users may request a specific number of OpenMP threads to distribute the work done by the NCSTAT operators, when OpenMP support has been activated at compilation of NCSTAT. As a general rule, don’t request more OpenMP threads than the number of processors available on your machine (excluding also processors used for hyperthreading), this will result in large loss of performance. Keep also in mind that the efficiency of shared memory parallelism as implemented in NCSTAT with OpenMP also depends heavily on the workload of your shared memory computer at runtime.
More generally, threading performance of the NCSTAT operators will depend on a variety of factors including the compiler, the version of the OpenMP library, the processor type, the number of cores, the amount of available memory, whether hyperthreading is enabled and the mix of applications that are executing concurrently with the NCSTAT operator.
At the simplest level, the number of OpenMP threads used by the NCSTAT operators can be controlled by setting
OpenMP environment variable to the desired number of threads and the number of threads
will be the same throughout the execution of the commands. The OMP_NUM_THREADS
OpenMP environment variable
must be defined before the use of the NCSTAT operators to activate OpenMP parallelism.
Setting OpenMP environment variables is done the same way you set any other environment variables, and depends upon which Shell you use:
In some cases, an OpenMP application will perform better if its OpenMP threads are bound to processors/cores (this is called “thread affinity”, “thread binding” or “processor affinity”) because this can result in better cache utilization, thereby reducing costly memory accesses. OpenMP version 3.1 API provides an environment variable to turn processor binding “on” or “off”. For example, to turn “on” thread binding you can use:
$ export OMP_PROC_BIND=TRUE #if you are using a sh/bash Shell
Keep also in mind, that the OpenMP standard does not specify how much stack space an OpenMP thread should have. Consequently,
implementations will differ in the default thread stack size and the default thread stack size can be easily exhausted for moderate/large
applications on some systems. Threads that exceed their stack allocation may give a segmentation fault or the application may continue to run while
data is being corrupted. If your OpenMP environment supports the OpenMP 3.0 OMP_STACKSIZE
environment variable, you can use
it to set the thread stack size prior to program execution. For example:
$ export OMP_STACKSIZE=10M #if you are using a sh/bash Shell
$ export OMP_STACKSIZE=3000k #if you are using a sh/bash Shell
More generally, the run-time behaviour of NCSTAT operators is also determined by setting some other OpenMP
environment variables (e.g. OMP_NESTED
for example) just before
the execution of the operators. See the official OpenMP documentation available at OpenMP or the more
friendly tutorial OpenMP tutorial for more details and examples.
Note, in particular, that the STATPACK subroutines and functions used in the NCSTAT code may use OpenMP nested parallelism
variable is set to TRUE
but that the usage of OpenMP nested parallelism is not recommended if you have compiled the NCSTAT operators or the STATPACK
library with BLAS support and you have linked with a multi-threaded version of BLAS, such as [gotoblas], [openblas] or vendor BLAS
like Intel MKL [mkl]. In such cases, it is better to first desactivate OpenMP nested parallelism before executing the NCSTAT operators
by using first the command:
$ export OMP_NESTED=FALSE #if you are using a sh/bash Shell
and also to let OpenMP controls the multithreading in the BLAS library, if possible.
In the case of OpenBLAS [openblas] or GotoBLAS [gotoblas], this can be done by using the makefile USE_OPENMP=1
option when compiling OpenBLAS or GotoBLAS.
Consult the OpenBLAS manual for more details [openblas].
On the other hand, if your OpenBLAS or GotoBLAS library has already been compiled with multithreading enabled, but no support for OpenMP (this is the default setting),
it is better to desactivate OpenBLAS or GotoBLAS multithreading before execution of your application because, otherwise, OpenMP will not control the multithreading in the BLAS
library and this will likely results in significant loss of performance. To do this, use a command like (for OpenBLAS):
$ export OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS=1 #if you are using a sh/bash Shell
or (for GotoBLAS):
$ export GOTO_NUM_THREADS=1 #if you are using a sh/bash Shell
Similarly, for Intel MKL BLAS [mkl], it is better to let OpenMP controls the multithreading in the MKL BLAS. This can be done simply
by undefining the Shell variable MKL_NUM_THREADS
$ unset MKL_NUM_THREADS #if you are using sh/bash Shell
Finally, if you suspect an error in the computations performed by a parallelized NCSTAT operator on your machine,
a good strategy is to compare the results of a serial execution of this operator (i.e. by setting
to 1
) with those of a parallel execution of this operator (i.e. by setting
to a value greater than 1
). If the results differ, a second step is to recompile
NCSTAT without the preprocessor cpp macro _PARALLEL_READ
in order to detect if the origin of the problem
is due to the OpenMP parallel reading of the NetCDF files and to some incompatibilities between the compiler options
used to build the NetCDF library and NCSTAT.
NCSTAT summary¶
This section re-organizes the NCSTAT operators by task, with a brief note indicating what each operator does. More details about each operator can be found in Chapter 2, where the full documentation for each NCSTAT operator is given in alphabetical order.
NCSTAT operators for computing mesh-mask files:
NCSTAT operators for univariate statistics:
NCSTAT operators for composite analysis:
NCSTAT operators for transforming and time averaging of time series:
NCSTAT operators for compression/decompression:
NCSTAT operators for computing time series and cross-sections:
NCSTAT operators for decomposing time series:
NCSTAT operators for filtering time series:
NCSTAT operators for correlation and regression analysis:
NCSTAT operators for multivariate statistics:
NCSTAT operators for power spectrum analysis: